I keep thinking to myself that finds aren’t as plentiful this year as last, but the truth — as will become apparent shortly — is that I’ve still been finding quite a lot of stuff. True, there haven’t been any “big name” scores for a while now, but lovely pieces still abound. I think part of the problem is #thriftenvy. I follow a bunch of thrifters’ IG accounts (many of them re-sellers whose business depends on frequent thrifting trips) and seeing their phenomenal finds sometimes makes my thrift scene pale by comparison. I like seeing what others thrift, so I don’t want to stop following these people, but I do need to keep my expectations in check. Easier said that done, though, right?

Earlier this month, I had the opportunity for a quick stop at the VV in Red Deer, which went some way to reconciling me to my local thrift scene. No doubt about it, Edmonton thrifters have it way better. There were only a couple of pieces that caught my eye, like this Maeve top, but I left empty handed. The top wasn’t quite my style, and it looked a bit rough around the edges. I should mention that prices in Red Deer also struck me as somewhat on the high side; with that said, I’m beginning to lose patience with my local VVs too. More on that in a minute.

This was the other piece I spotted in Red Deer. I was quite tempted to get it, but ultimately passed because I’m not sure that long open cardigans like this fit my style. I have a couple of them already, and don’t reach for them all that often, so I thought I had best leave this one behind for someone else to enjoy.

Back to Edmonton. Two pairs of pants that didn’t work out. The J Brands are similar to a pair I already own, and the button had already popped off, so … pass. I was intrigued by the (faux) leather leggings, but they juuuuuuust barely fit me and I am not convinced that I could have sat down while wearing them. Sadly, another pass.

I liked the look of this blouse (made in Canada!) but pussy bows are not my thing.

I love LK Bennett stuff, but this camisole was too big, and too sheer.

I generally like Joie stuff, and it’s a brand that VV hasn’t discovered yet (to jack up prices), but this peasant style blouse was not, well, my style.

Goodwill is quickly becoming my fave thrift store, both for the prices and for the selection. Especially when it comes to shoes … as you will see in a minute. These Hispanitas were not my style but, do not fear, for I did not leave the shoe aisle empty-handed.

Maybe I need to re-think my stance on (or, rather, against) green? This Deletta dress would not have fit my lifestyle (or tush, let’s be honest), but the colour was lovely. Also? The dress was $7 — thank you, Goodwill. In contrast, it seems like almost any dress at VV is now $17.99 or more. Needless to say, I’m not impressed.

I liked the Art Nouveau-ish floral print of this dress, but it was in hella rough shape, so I passed. Probably for the better, since I do gravitate towards pants on weekends; I don’t need more casual dresses.

I’m pretty sure this H&M blazer is ancient, because I remember seeing Fran wear it years ago on her blog, and lusting after it. I had to get it, you see, for nostalgia’s sake. With that said, though my style has veered away from preppy for the most part, I can still myself wearing it. I love the details, which are quite nice for a fast fashion piece (pretty contrast lining, faux leather buttons, elbow patches). The blazer is in shockingly good condition for its age too. It should be a fun piece for fall.

It’s purple and it has pansies on it, and it was also brand new and only $8, so don’t judge me too harshly for buying YET ANOTHER blazer.

I was really dubious about this top when I bought it, but once I got rid of the smocked hem, I really fell in love with it. It’s probably going to be one of my fave tops this summer. I love the dolman sleeves, which surprises me because I’m not usually a fan. I don’t advocate buying pieces you’re not 100% sure about … except when I do it, and it turns out well. What are rules anyway?

Speaking of favourite pieces, this might be one of the year’s, right here. I L O V E this sweater. Love, love, love. I love the colour, and the silhouette, and the chunkiness. I’ve worn it 4 or 5 times in the last few weeks, and I’m planning to wear it a few more times before the month is over. This is now a brand on my “investigate further” list.

Some of you may remember this skirt. I used to have it. In fact, I still have it — in storage, in my basement. My old skirt is too big now … but this version fits just right. Did I buy a duplicate? For $5, you betcha.

This box of stuff, including a silk Joie tank top, cost me just under $20. Did I mention how much I love Goodwill? These are not the only books I bought recently, either. Some are things I want to read (for fun) now, some are things I bought to round out my library. You never know when a complete history of the French Revolution will come in handy.

Ok, the moment has arrived. Let’s talk shoes. As I mentioned, Goodwill has been really good to me in this category recently. These Vince Camuto pumps are actually cobalt blue not purple, and they’re intended to be a back-up/future replacement of my beloved J. Crew Everly pumps in the same colour. Those have held up well for the past 3 years or so, but the suede is starting to show some wear. Since I know I get quite a lot of use out of them, I jumped at the chance to be proactive and prepare myself for the day when they’ll need to be retired. I’ve heard good things about Camuto shoes, and these pumps were practically brand new and only $17, so it was too good a deal to pass up.

I love metallic shoes, particularly in this pewter/gold colour which I find super versatile. Also, brand new leather flats for $10? Who would pass that up? No one.

These Aquatalias were also brand new, and only $7. Still, I hesitated a long time (like, 10 minutes, which is an eternity in a thrift store) before I decided to take the plunge. I loathe the colour. OK, maybe “loathe” is too strong a word. I don’t like the coral/salmon pink. I also don’t like the peep toe thing, although these flats are pretty comfy. So why did I get them? For the price and the quality (the leather is beautiful and in pristine condition), I decided they were worth getting even just as a “beater” pair — you know, shoes to throw on when running errands and such. And, of course, if they don’t get worn at all, there is always next year’s clothing swap. I’ll chalk them up as a “gift” for one of my swap buddies.

I saved the best for last, you guys. Predictable, but that’s what one does with one’s “treasures”, right? These AGLs are brand new, and just happen to be my favourite style; last month, I bought the same AGLs in a different colourway at a consignment store. That pair cost me $65; this one, only $12. You can imagine how thrilled I was to find them. I was already planning to “save” my other pair for special occasions to avoid wearing them out too fast. Now, I have options.
I’m hoping to get the same lucky break with my other beloved pair of loafers, the Kelsi Daggers I have been wearing non-stop for a year. No luck yet (and I’ve been scouring eBay too), but I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Other pieces in the same category: my Aritzia black pants, Theory blazers (navy and greige), and Club Monaco turtlenecks (the black is already showing wear, sigh). All staple pieces I have come to depend upon. And that’s my other pro-tip: when you find something you truly love (and wear often), seize any chance to get a back-up at a good price.
What have you been thrifting lately?