What I Wore: December 2016

You know what? December was a pretty decent month. The kids and I were sick through most of it, but I didn’t have much else to complain about. There were Christmas parties, and get-togethers with friends, and lots of fun family times. And wonderful, delicious food. So much food. I spent the last week of December in the stretchiest of jeans and loosest of dresses, and that’s only when I couldn’t get away with wearing my pyjamas. It was, well, blissful.

Of course, I did wear regular clothes as well, for at least 3/4 of the month.

one, two, three
one, two, three
four, five, six
four, five, six
seven, eight, nine
seven, eight, nine
ten, eleven, twelve
ten, eleven, twelve
thirteen, fourteen, fifteen
thirteen, fourteen, fifteen
nineteen, twenty
sixteen, seventeen

I liked most of these outfits a lot, individually, but seeing them here makes me realize there wasn’t a ton of cohesiveness between them, once again. In some ways, it bugs me that I don’t have a more definitive style, but I’ve also come to accept that my wardrobe will never be as cohesive as some people’s. It’s impossible when you love prints as much as I do. I do have a lot of basic pieces, and those are actually surprisingly capsule-friendly, but when I put outfits together, the focus always ends up on the statement pieces that defy encapsulation, as it were.

I’m still debating whether to do a wardrobe challenge of some sort this year (just for fun!), but I’ve been preoccupied with other hobbies lately, so I haven’t had as much time to devote to this “project”. The beginning of the year is when I usually get an itch to do something new, so we shall see what happens in the next couple of months. If you have ideas for me, leave a comment!

Neutral Love

Top, J. Crew Factory; sweater, Joe Fresh; pants, Joe's jeans (thrifted); scarf, thrifted; boots, Frye; bag, YSL (via eBay)
Top, J. Crew Factory; sweater, Joe Fresh; pants, Joe’s jeans (thrifted); scarf, thrifted; boots, Frye; bag, YSL (via eBay)

This might be more of a “snooze” for some of you, but I loved this casual outfit so, so much. It was one of those slapped-together-at-the-last-minute looks that turned out nicer than expected. The combination of the cozy scarf (one of the most versatile and practical ones I’ve got) and the chunky sweater gave me the warm & fuzzies … literally and figuratively.

My boots are new-ish, and a Winners clearance rack score. I already have a pair of ankle boots I really like, but I thought a flat-heeled Chelsea boot might be a good addition — and what could be better than (discounted) Fryes? Well, here’s the thing. I like the look a lot, and I have no reason to expect the quality to be anything but good, but I have some reservations about these boots. The shaft is very — and I mean VERY — tight/skinny, which makes them a pain to put on and take off. Most of my skinny jeans are too bulky to tuck into the boots, and even if I get them in, they get un-tucked almost immediately. It means that I have to tuck them into socks first, which doesn’t help with the getting-my-foot-into-the-boots thing and … ugh, too much work. I’m hoping the leather will soften up with age, making this whole process less of a PITA.

all the neutrals
all the neutrals

My bag, on the other hand, is not new. I bought it last year to replace my still-regretted purple version (which, much to my current chagrin, I sold a few years ago) and while I got a great deal on it, it has quite a bit of, um, patina. To wit, colour-fading. The soft, croc-embossed nubuck is definitely delicate, so this is not surprising. It’s what’s kept me from putting the bag through its paces … until the holidays. I wore it non-stop for a week, and loved how versatile and easy to use it was. (I usually keep the straps free, for easy access, and find that there little danger of spillage.) And I came to love its imperfections because I realized that (a) they make it look like a well-loved bag (which it should be) and (b) make me less worried about damaging it.

cozy layers ftw
cozy layers ftw

NOTE: A new chapter of A Temporary Engagement is up, and you can read it here.

What I Read: This ‘n That

Ever since I finally finished the edits on A Temporary Engagement, I’ve been feeling “lazy”, which means that I’ve had time to do a fair bit of reading. At the tail end of last month, I got sucked down the rabbit hole that is the Vanity Fair online archives, polishing off the Crime Archives and the Dominick Dunne Archives in quick successions. Long-form VF articles, particularly those that focus on high-profile scandals or prominent society figures, are one of my reading “comfort foods”; I devour them the way other people do, say, romance novels. Following from that, I ordered and quickly read Dominick Dunne’s Fatal Charms & The Mansions of Limbo (chapters of which are available for free on the VF archives, so I wouldn’t necessarily recommend buying it) and The Two Mrs. Grenville (fun, gossipy read), as well as Truman Capote’s Answered Prayers (a more literary version of Dunne’s gossipy fiction). I was tempted to buy The Swans of Fifth Avenue, a novel based on the lives of Capote’s “swans” (Babe Paley et al), but the hardcover was kinda pricey, and I decided to hold out for a good biography instead. If anyone has recommendations, I’m all ears.

Here are a few more interesting articles I found online recently. As a well-read, non-native English speaker, I have a constant, mild fear of mispronouncing words I’ve never heard spoken. It was reassuring to read that I am not alone, even among those for whom English is the first language. Yay! Personally, I struggle a lot with words that are common in both my mother tongue and English (usually borrowed from French) because I can never be sure if my inflection is correct in whatever language I’m using (it can differ). Like, I will never use “banal” in conversation, even though I’ll happily toss it around when I write, because my pronunciation inevitably sounds wrong to my own ears. But, quite apart from that, English pronunciation is bananas — just saying. Cholmondeley = Chumley? I mean, really! Share your mispronounced words in the comments … if you dare.

I was also intrigued by this article about maximizers and satisficers. I think I’m 80% satisficer, and the balance maximizer; my husband is the opposite. Somehow, we get along without wanting to murder each other (most of the time). For the record, if you can scroll to the mini quiz embedded in the article, the questions where I score high (i.e. have maximizer tendencies) are 6,8, 11 and 12. Needless to say, I’m a satisficer when it comes to clothes. I also thought it was interesting that research suggests that people tend to move more to the “good enough is good enough” camp as they get older. I certainly follow that trend, but I wonder how much of that has to do with becoming a parent versus other life experiences (in my case, I think the answer is “everything”).

Speaking of psychological “types”, I also dug into Enneagram typology after reading a comment from a reader. I was familiar with the Meyer Briggs system, but had never heard of this. I tend to approach these things in much the same way as astrological signs — pseudo-science, but fun to read about and debate with friends. I have to say that, of all the ones I’ve looked into, the Enneagram system is the most bang-on. I also appreciate that it can be used as a tool for personal growth, rather than merely pigeonholing people into rigid categories. If you’ve looked into this before, I want to hear what you think about it!

Last but not least, a reader sent me a link to this thoughtful article about thrift store donations, written from the perspective of someone who relies upon thrift stores as a matter of necessity not choice. Even though I’m a committed thrift donor (in additional to thrift shopper), I appreciated the different perspective, and learned some new things — such as the importance of donating, not trashing, my old Tupperware.