Not gonna lie, I’m glad that July is over, mostly because it means that the time for my summer vacation has finally arrived. The latter part of August (and into the fall) will be insanely busy at work once more, but I’m focusing on the short term for now. I’m still hopeful I’ll be in a position to start the weekly serial-ing of my new book soon, but it may not happen as soon as I had originally planned. Life happens, you know.
As far as last month went, for all its challenges, it was a success on the sartorial front. I enjoyed exploring my evolution towards a more minimalist aesthetic, and I enjoyed the results. Let’s take a look, shall we?

One thing I noticed right away is that these outfits looked much more cohesive, if that makes sense — both individually and together. At times, I worried that practicing the “before leaving the house, take one thing off” exercise would result in really boring outfits. It’s one of the weird side-effects of blogging. I’ve never really dressed “for the blog” per se, but I do occasionally worry about what people will think of an outfit — which I rarely do IRL with friends or co-workers. Most of the time, the blog is a very abstract thing to me — like an extension of my online friendships, and then every so often, it hits me that there are probably quite a few people who read it who are not friends or acquaintances. I don’t know what they like, or why they read the blog. It can become unnerving if I let myself dwell on it. Thankfully, my bubble of oblivion is usually pretty resilient.
Anyway, long tangent aside, I like the way this month looked, and I’m hoping to move into August with a similar vibe.