So many stripes. So much colour. Pairing this blouse with light purple cord (?) leggings might have been overload, but I could not resist the matchiness of it all. Add in burgundy shoes, and the matchiness goes to another level. However, since it was a cooler day, I also threw in a coat — black, to balance out the colour riot — like so:
But seriously, though: cord leggings? Only at Anthropologie, you guys. I can attest, however, that these Pilcro pants are very comfortable, and *can* reasonably pass for skinny cords. The only difference is that there is no zipper and no functioning front pockets, but who’s the wiser, really? (Well, except for you, because I’ve just told you.) For $8, I’m not going to sweat it. In fact, my whole outfit is thrifted (except for the bag & shoes), and came in under $30. Not bad for a Technicolour dream outfit.