Pushing the business casual limits, that is. I promise these pants are, well, actual pants and not leggings — they have pockets and everything. They are also so, so comfortable, and I wanted to find a way to wear them to work (on a Friday, natch). Ditto for this jacket, which is quickly becoming a staple of my wardrobe — on weekends as well as during the week. I’ve been throwing it over my work clothes in the morning, when the temps are a bit cooler but not quite cold enough for a proper coat, and it works ever so well. It can be dressed up or down nicely.

My accessories are where it’s at, however. A simple outfit demands a statement piece (or two!) after all. I’m glad I decided to take a chance on this necklace because it’s proving to be a solid outfit maker. And, of course, you can’t go wrong with blue suede shoes.