I went thrifting. You are not surprised. Let’s take a look at what I found on my bargain hunting trips this time around.

I may be dating myself quite badly by saying this, but I remember when Byblos was a thing. And by “thing”, I mean a designer brand that used to turn up on the advertising pages of Vogue on the regular. This jacket looks like it was from an even earlier era. It might count as fashion memorabilia at this point, but I ain’t got room for that in my closet. Needless to say, I passed.

I also passed on this Zara blazer, although I’ll probably regret that next Halloween; this would have made an excellent Brandon Flowers-circa-Sam’s Town costume.

I rarely leave Anthro behind, but this shirt was too weird for me. You can’t even see the back tie here. Back ties are evil.

Sadly, way too small.

Hey, check it out: sometimes, I thrift for other people too. This tie was too gorgeous to pass up, even without considering the label attached to it.

A plain navy top is never wasted in my closet. Along with cream, white and black tops, it’s a staple/building block for many an outfit.

Loved the colour of this cardigan, as well as the unusual closure.

To be honest, I’m not sure about this cardigan, but my no-Anthro-left-behind policy kicked in to make me buy it. It fits small, and as a result it looks best worn buttoned up, as a top. (The reviews on the Anthro site seem to support this conclusion.) I’m not sure how versatile that makes it. The print is cute but maybe a little too twee? Gah, I don’t know, you guys! Help me decide?

Loooooove this scarf. Love it. Love the colour, and the softness of the material, and the generous size. Love everything about it.

I also love this scarf as well, especially the mixed print thing happening here.

This brooch was hella overpriced for a thrift store ($24 before discount), but I bought it anyway because (a) I have been looking for a clear rhinestone brooch in a similar design for ages, and (b) this price was still cheaper than what I would pay at the antique mall.

I’ll come right out and admit it: I totally overpaid for this top. I decided not to use one of my 30% off coupons (because I was not buying enough to make it worthwhile), and it was overpriced to begin with. I decided to get it because the quality seemed decent, the condition seemed like-new, and I thought the colour (a light aqua) would work nicely in my wardrobe. Finding decent quality plain shells can be surprisingly hard, so that totally swayed my decision-making here.

Do I need another trench? Probably not, but this one was very cute (and black! totally different than my Burberry one!) and in great condition, and the price was decent.

Do I need another pencil skirt? Eh, no. But I love me some tweed, especially $5 designer tweed.

Yoana Baraschi has become one of my auto-buy brands. I love her aesthetic, and the quality is usually great. This dress fit great, was an unusual colour, and was only $7 — how could I say no?