October … had good weather. There, I said something nice. Of course, “good weather” is a relative concept, but we finished the month snow-free, which counts as positively tropical for this time of year around these parts. I’ve been hearing reports of snow around other parts of the province this week, so now I’m quaking in my boots. The “fall back” to Standard Time isn’t helping – I feel like I’m living in darkness permanently. Sad face.
Oh, poo. I was supposed to keep this nice and positive. Oh well. Let’s look at the clothes, shall we?
I didn’t HATE and I didn’t LOVE any of my outfits this month. To be honest, I felt pretty blah throughout, and I don’t know why. It probably has nothing to do with the clothes, and a lot to do with things going on in my life. I keep waiting to finish the hard slog through my book edits, and telling myself that I’ll get back to having fun (occasionally! let’s not get crazy here) after it’s all done but … who knows. Probably won’t happen. As stressed out and frequently miserable as writing makes me, it’s also kinda become a habit after nearly 7 months. Sigh. This is not good, you guys. I think I need an intervention 😉
Tell me all about your October and how you’re planning to keep the “winter is coming” blues at bay.