Pants & shoes, J. Crew (via consignment); sweater, J. Crew Factory; cardigan, Max Studio; necklace, Banana Republic; bag, Marc Jacobs (swap)
I feel like this outfit straddled the line between Willy Wonka-ville ridiculous and pretty cool, and it was the black cardigan that played the biggest role in keeping it in that precarious balance. Sometimes, you just need a little bit of black to keep an outfit grounded.
black and blue overload
I have been wearing black and blue a lot lately, and I think it’s starting to affect me subliminally. Or maybe I’m just suffering early winter dysphoria. In any case, this turned out to be a happy blue outfit – mostly because I got a kick out of it’s almost-ridiculousness.
Join me on a tour of my book closet … erm … library. Every week – or other week, or whenever I remember to write one of these posts – we’ll take a look at another whack of books I may (or may not) have read.
It’s about time I got around to the right side – and there are some good (non-fiction) books to explore there.
right side
I call this my “high society” section. Belonging firmly to the hoi polloi, I love gossipy biographies of rich and/or aristocratic people. The gossipier, the better. (That’s hoi polloi speak for smutty, by the way.) In that regard, the first book on the left, Aristocrats (by Lawrence James, not to be confused with the book of the same title by Stella Tillyard) is a bit of a letdown. It’s pretty dry. And kind of superficial, in terms of the depth and comprehensiveness of its analysis. It’s a pretty high-level look at the British aristocracy as a whole, rather than any notable individuals or lineages. Honestly, it’s a bit boring.
Madness Under the Royal Palms takes us to a different continent, and specifically to the “royal” enclave of Palm Beach, playground of America’s richest folks, and home of plenty of interesting characters. I love books like this. It’s a sort of cross between The Great Gatsby and the works of Dominick Dunne. Privilege creates its own ecosystem, but there is always a dark underbelly hiding beneath the gilded facade – and this is the kind of book that likes to prod it. It’s definitely a guilty pleasure of a read, but well-written and researched at the same time.
In a similar vein, we have The Kennedy Women. Like Taylor Swift, I’m not immune to the allure of the Kennedy family. I’ve read plenty of books about the Kennedy men, but I actually find the women’s perspectives more intriguing – and they are vastly different perspectives at that. The book covers 5 generations, including the lives of Rose, Jackie, Ethel, Eunice, and Joan. It’s gossipy without being salacious, but generally pretty engrossing.
As much as I’m fascinated by the Kennedys, they don’t really hold a candle to the Mitfords. Sisters: The Saga of the Mitford Family is the story of one of Britain’s most notorious families, and its five famous, very different daughters. In a nutshell: Nancy was one of the best-selling novelists of her day; Diana was, in turn, one of England’s most admired socialites and then a social pariah; Jessica was a life-long Communist and social activist; Deborah became the Duchess of Devonshire; and Unity Valkyrie, born in Swastika, Alaska, became an Hitler groupie. You couldn’t write a story like this … and it’s all true. This is one of my favourite non-fiction books.
The author of Sisters also wrote The Churchills: In Love and War, the history of one of England’s greatest families. Although, understandably, the book spends a lot of time on Winston’s life and career, it does take a close look at entire lineage going back to the first Duke of Malborough, a military genius (hero of Waterloo), and his no less interesting wife, Sarah Churchill (long-term confidante of Queen Anne). Other generations of the Churchill family were also peppered with fascinating personalities, like Jennie Jerome (Winston’s mother) and Consuelo Vanderbilt (Winston’s cousin’s wife). This is another well-researched, well-written, very fascinating book – well worth the time investment (fair warning, it’s long).
Lastly, we have Churchill, which … I haven’t read. But! I did recently watch a bit of the HBO movie The Gathering Storm, which was quite good. It had a strong supporting cast (which makes for a fun game of spot-the-famous-actor), featuring everyone from Lena Headey (Queen Cersei!) to Linus Roache (who will forever be, to me, the son of Ken Barlow from Coronation Street) to Tom Hiddleston. I am not a Hiddle-loonie or whatever, but I know what the internet likes, and I’m not above exploiting it for click-bait traffic. So:
Alright, guys, I promise: next time, we’ll talk fiction – finally. In the meantime, tell me: what are you reading?
I think it’s safe to say that I’ve reverted back to my pants-averse self. Once the weekend rolls around, I want nothing more than to ditch my casual Friday jeans, and wear something – anything! – else. My default is usually a dress, but a spell of warm-ish weather (i.e. single negative digits, not double) seemed like a perfect occasion to dig out my favourite (summer) skirt. Layers upon layers later, I was good to go.
In the interests of full disclosure (and the prevention of frostbite), I don’t recommend wearing cotton skirts in the dead of winter (or November, in Edmonton) unless you plan to spend a minimal amount of time outdoors – like, say, the distance between the parking lot and your restaurant of choice. Yes, peeps, this was a date night outfit.
mah fancy coat
My husband and I have had a couple of late nights out recently, but they have been event-oriented, so it was nice to have a little one-on-one time at our favourite local sushi joint. Even if it meant having dinner at 4:30 like a couple of octogenarians. I’d play it cool, and call it a late lunch, but I’d be fooling no one.