In the weeks leading up to my return to work, I allowed myself to wallow in the blues to a somewhat unnecessary extent. I always get a bit sad at the end of summer, and this year that time was more bittersweet than usual. I just hate change, even when it’s the good kind. Bah! But that’s by way of explaining how we ended up taking the kids to Calgary for an impromptu weekend road-trip. Let me back up.
Seven thirty on a Saturday morning found me complaining about my slightly depressive ennui. My husband’s response: “Why don’t we go to Calgary?” We both pondered this for a moment, and decided that it sounded like a terrible idea. So, naturally, we started packing up the car. I was saving this outfit for a tentative brunch date, but I figured I might as well throw it on. It wasn’t the most ridiculous choice I made that morning.

(Quick outfit aside: I know that’s a whole lotta blue, but I just couldn’t resist throwing all these pieces together. I’m a colour addict.)

Predictably, traveling with kids was the opposite of relaxing. Neither of the kids has been acclimatized to long car rides, so the trip to (and from) Calgary was all sorts of interesting. Luckily, the scenery is lovely this time of year.

And there is always a chance of some cool car-spotting.

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but we never make a trip to Calgary without stopping in at the Donut Mill on Gasoline Alley. Even if that means compounding our road-trip problems by getting the kids hopped up on sugar.

The (recent) birthday girl got in on the action too:

But, you know what? We survived the trip, kids and all. There is a lesson in that. Something about embracing chaos, and change.