I really don’t have much to say about the outfit. This J. Crew dress is still awesome. I still love my Barbie purse. The sky is blue, water is wet, etc.
Let’s talk about my Winners adventures instead. Because this happened:
Hahahahaha … hang on … bwahahahaha!
So, being a SAHM is a bit like living a particularly mundane Groundhog Day-type scenario. You have to get your kicks whenever – and however – you can. Sometimes, I get mine trying on ridiculous things; what can I say, my threshold for amusement is pretty low these days. Winners can usually be counted on for at least a few laughs (and the occasional phenomenal find), and this jumpsuit did not disappoint. My mom thought it didn’t look bad … until I told her it wasn’t intended to be an adult onesie pyjama. She then asked where one might wear something like it in public, and proceeded to be mystified by my suggestions. To be fair, if I wore this grocery-shopping, hers would probably not be the only look of befuddlement I would encounter.
The back view was horrific. I’m letting you see it because some day, when you’re having a particularly awful afternoon, you will think back to this and have a good chuckle, and I care about you enough to anticipate that eventuality and do my part to cheer you up. You’re welcome.
I thought about buying the jumpsuit just to punk my husband, but at $50, it was too expensive a joke for my budget.
If money was no object, though, I would have had to buy these as well:
They were actually cute, and a gorgeous colour too, but – holy Manolo! They were excruciating. Like, instrument-of-torture painful. This shot gives a better idea of it, minus the tendon-breaking heel/instep aspect.
But only $115 for anyone interested in breaking their ankle(s) in a stylish way.