This outfit is a perfect representation of my Sunday visits to my parents’ place (which is where I wore it): brunch outfit on top, chasing-the-kids outfit on the bottom. OK, so this is kind of a half-baked outfit, but I’m 22 days into this never-ending challenge, and I’m trying my damnedest to not turn this into the blog version of Valium. If you’re laughing, chances are you’re still conscious.
Can we talk about my hair? Again. I know. But, you guys, I’ve had a real life-changing experience. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve heard me blathering about this ad nauseam a little while back: I discovered sea salt spray. Yeah, I know: sea salt spray is, like, so 1995 or whatever, but I didn’t have the internet or wavy hair in 1995 and I do now, so – there! My perm is fine and all, but it still needs some help to look, well, less I-accidentally-jammed-my-finger-in-an-electrical-socket and more … intentional. Beach wavy.
More like this.

Also, with less poof:

A few peeps asked about which products I use, and I have a very un exciting answer: I use a cheapie drugstore spray from Fructis, which costs a whopping $3. One, I hate paying a lot for beauty products I’m not sure will work. Two, I am cheap. Period. The spray I’m using works just fine, so I probably won’t upgrade unless I find a killer deal on a better brand at Winners. The only downside is that it does seem to dry out my hair, so I have to be careful about how much – and often – I use it. Which isn’t easy because I’m basically addicted to it. Mermaid hair in a bottle! Moar, please!