Weekend Shortlist

Hey, look! It’s Friday again. How did that happen? Or when? I seem to have lost track of days sometime around Wednesday, which might mean I had a lot of fun things in my calendar, but doesn’t. All the more reason to ogle some pretty things, yes?

Diane Von Furstenberg Ikat Wrap Dress

Diane von Furstenberg  ikat wrap dress
Diane von Furstenberg ikat wrap dress

You can see this dress on Jean, here, to understand why I really, really love it. I don’t really need another wrap dress, but I would happily make room for this one in my closet. The mixed prints might be too much for most people (and, possibly, my work dress code) but I think it’s to die for. Alright, that may be a slight exaggeration; I’m not about to blow my meagre current budget on it, but if perchance you consider it … well, don’t tell me. I want us to still be friends.

Marc Jacobs Blake Bag

Marc Jacobs Blake bag
Marc Jacobs Blake bag

One thing I would most definitely blow my budget on (this month, next month, and every month) is this MJ bag. I know Adrien has been a fan for ages, but I’ve been obsessed with my MbMJ Totally Turnlock bags recently, and paid this beauty no mind. Until … I saw the way it’s all laid out inside. Check it:

Marc Jacobs Blake bag
Marc Jacobs Blake bag

It has two zippered compartments, plus an inner one with a magnetic closure. That’s very similar to my Kate Spade Gold Coast Elizabeth bag, which is my favourite bag when it comes to keeping my ish organized. It’s just good bag feng shui, OK? This means, of course, that I absolutely need a Blake in my life. I’m a woman on an eBay mission, hear me … click away.

J. Crew Factory floral shirt

J. Crew Factory floral shirt (dark cove)
J. Crew Factory floral shirt (dark cove)

I liked the green “punk floral” print that the retail J. Crew store put out last year, but I couldn’t justify the price to actually buy a piece. Luckily, the Factory store has come out with its own version this year. While I like the Clare cardigan in the (close to?) original print, I really love the blue version of this shirt. I’m keeping an eye on it, and waiting for a good sale.

RACHEL Rachel Roy floral maxi dress

RACHEL Rachel Roy maxi dress
RACHEL Rachel Roy maxi dress

Speaking of … this wouldn’t be a Weekend Shortlist if there weren’t at least two floral items featured. So. This dress. I randomly found it on eBay while looking for something else, and came thiiiiiis close to buying it. It was a tad too expensive for my taste, though, so I exercised supreme willpower and passed on it. But I still, kinda, maybe want it. It would replace a plain black, thrifted maxi dress I wore last summer (heavily pregnant). Does that sound like a reasonable plan? I’m all for plain basics (like a LMBD) in principle, but I always seem to gravitate towards the Liberace end of the spectrum in reality.

Old Navy blue top

I’m really digging this pale blue colour, and I think it would be a fab addition to my summer closet. (It looks really crappy in the stock photo, so I’m not including it – trust me, it looks waaay better in real life). I’m also digging the blouse-like features, the fact that it’s sleeveless, and the 100% rayon fabric. Not digging the retail price ($25). It’s not a lot, but, frankly, Old Navy quality is also not exactly high. But this top is definitely on my shopping list … if I can find it for under $15.

There is also this Joe Fresh top, which is a deeper blue colour but also lovely. (Again, the stock photos don’t do it justice). I’m not really sold on the butterfly cap sleeves – they favour the well-toned arms, which mine most certainly are not – or the fact that it’s 100% polyester (not even rayon, Joe Fresh?!). And it also costs $24. Boo.

Have a great weekend!

Return of the Paisley

What I Wore: Shopping

LOFT paisley skirt; Marc Jacobs Courtney hobo
Skirt, LOFT (via eBay); sweater, J. Crew Factory; vest, Old Navy; shoes, Tory Burch (via consignment); bag, Marc Jacobs (via consignment)

After a lot of neutral and monochromatic outfits, this one felt a bit … loud. The funny thing is, this is something my, say, 2012 self would have loved to have worn. Crazy print, lots of colour, bam. But now it feels … loud. And I’m not crazy about how it looks in the photo, either. Change is a funny thing. As is personal style, apparently.

(Aside: I don’t know why my leg is moulting in this photo, but one thing’s clear: I need to find better opaque tights.)

But, you guys, what I really really want to talk about is: Game of Thrones. What?! Let me back up.

I wore this outfit on the day I stopped in at Value Village, and scored one of my biggest thrifting successes to date. More on that in another post. The other thing I picked up at VV that day was the first book in the A Song of Fire and Ice series. I’m one of those people who pays for HBO only to watch Disney Junior on endless loop, but I don’t actually live under a rock so I am fairly well-acquainted with the Game of Thrones universe. I’m not a big fan of the whole fantasy genre, though, so I’ve never felt any particular interest in catching the show … though I would by no means be averse to having Kit Harington try to persuade me otherwise. Or Nikolaj Coster Waldau. Ahem, I digress. I’m not sure why I finally felt the need to pick up the book; I think all the chatter about the Red Wedding being the shockiest shock that ever shocked the nation may have done it. ( Do NOT tell me anything about it, or I will never, ever, ever forgive you, okay? Even if you are Kit Harington, and you are not wearing a shirt.) On the other hand, you know what’s not shocking? That I’m totally hooked. Of course, I am one of 5 people in this entire universe who has only read one of the books, and I’m married to one of the 3 people who has not read any of them. Which is to say: woe is me. All I want to do is talk about GoT, and I don’t have anyone to do it with.

Flannel Days

What I Wore: Running After Kids

J. Crew green plaid flannel shirt
Jeans, RACHEL Rachel Roy; shirt, J. Crew; jacket, Old Navy; shoes, J. Crew Factory; bag, MbMJ (via eBay)

Ready for another dose of glamour reality? Feast your eyes on this fashion statement. In fairness to my flannel, it is perfectly suited for the tasks most frequently at hand: running after kids, deciphering toddler melodramas (which requires a primal-screams-to-English dictionary), and disposing of toxic substances. Some days – more than I’d like to admit here – I don’t reach even this level of put-togetherness; it’s sweats and a T-shirt that saw its glory days about 47 wash cycles ago.

But on this day, we were visiting the grandparents, so I not only upgraded to jeans and a button down, but I even wore a pair of “nice” flats. Visiting the grandparents is serious business. There is candy involved. And the kids usually get some treats too.