Here’s a not very juicy secret about me: I pick out my outfits ahead of time. Well, I do about 90% of the time, anyway. It really is a very efficient way to go about getting dressed, especially for work, if you ask me. Which you didn’t – unsolicited advice alert. Ahem. Getting back to the issue at hand, I sometimes pick my outfits so far in advance (weeks) that by the time I have to actually wear them, I’m no longer particularly enthused by my previous selections. So, from time to time, I just wing it.
On this particular morning, I decided that I HAD to wear this chartreuse blouse I recently rescued from the downstairs overflow closet/purgatory. (I’ve decided that maybe I don’t hate ruffles after all. For now.) I also decided that I HAD to wear my new J. Crew Factory leopard print d’orsay flats that I scored for $25. So I tried to come up with an outfit built around those two pieces.

When pressed for time, keep it simple. Actually, that’s probably a good mantra for all occasions, but especially if you’re running late/feeling stressed/unsure about what to wear. Black and tan have been serving me well recently, so they seemed like a good bet. And, voila, outfit complete!