Category: Uncategorized

Grecian Gray

What I Wore: Baby Shower

Dreamy Drape Dress Plenty by Tracy Reece; Zara sparkly flats
Dress, Plenty by Tracy Reese (via eBay); cardigan & necklace, J. Crew Factory; shoes, Zara

I love, love, love this dress, and I’m sad that I’m forced to ruin it with a cardigan every time I wear it. Let’s move on before this veers into a weather rant. Hey, looky, I’m wearing my Tinkerbell shoes again! And they’re still obnoxiously, wonderfully sparkly.

Also, teal. As a redhead, I feel like I should like (and wear) teal more than I do. (Conversely, I should love mustard yellow less than I do, but the heart wants what it wants.) Teal is like … broccoli. It’s probably good for me, but I will find every excuse to not have to eat wear it. Unless I feel guilty about a recent chocolate binge in which case … wait. What am I talking about again? Oh yes, teal. We have a like/mild indifference relationship.

I’m not indifferent about this necklace:

J. Crew Factory necklaceWhat colour is your broccoli?

[This post was brought to you by Adina’s stream-of-consciousness at some ungodly late hour. Insomnia is a terrible thing, friends.]

Casual Corner

What I Wore: Playground Daze

Grey Chucks,
Jeans, American Eagle (via consignment); t-shirt & jacket, Old Navy; shoes, Converse

You know what this blog needs more of? Super dressed down, casual outfits. Said no BCRL reader ever. And yet, here we are. Let me see: can I blame this on my kids somehow? Sure. This is my going-to-the-playground outfit, so they are totally responsible for it. And for putting it on the blog. Yes.

So, for the hypothetical curious reader, this is basically what I wear when I have to leave the house, but getting dirty is a real possibility. Comfy shoes (that can stand getting a little beat up), stretchy pants (always a good idea), t-shirt, and a jacket with big pockets (for my keys and cell phone). The height of normcore – all this time, you guys never even knew how truly ahead of the fashion curve I am.

Obligatory foot selfie. (Felfie? Foolfie? Yes, foolfie it is.)

grey ChucksMy kid plays to the beat of his own (makeshift) drum …


And here is a slightly dressed up version of the same outfit. Swap out the field jacket for a blazer, add a nicer (possibly even ironed) t-shirt and – voila! I am now ready for the ball. And by “ball”, I mean running errands. Of course.

grey Chucks
Jeans, American Eagle; t-shirt, Joe Fresh; blazer, J. Crew (via consignment); shoes, Converse; bag, MbMJ (via consignment)

Pushing the Boundaries

What I Wore: May 7

J. Crew loafers, Marc Jacobs Turnlock Teri
pants, AG (via Kijiji); shirt, Old Navy; trench, Gap; shoes, J. Crew (via consignment); bag, MbMJ (via eBay)

Having No Good, Very Bad Days seems to be turning into a habit of mine these days; as you might imagine, I am not thrilled about this. One of the side-effects of toting around my own personal black cloud is that I am. Never. Happy with whatever outfit I manage to cobble together. And that makes writing this blog tricky, because “grumble, grumble, grumble” surely has a limited appeal. You’ve heard one grumble, you’ve heard them all.

Anywhoodle, the title. It’s about the shoes. I know, it’s just a pair of loafers we’re talking about, but these are style-boundary-pushing shoes for me, you guys. I don’t really do menswear-inspired anything, least of all shoes. I’m not sure this was the best shoe choice for this particular outfit (seeing as it adds a third, unnecessary shade of mismatched tan/camel to the outfit), but I’d like to think I still get a gold star for effort. Half a gold star? OK, fine, I’ll settle for a cookie.

Here’s a closer look at the shoes:

J. Crew loafers

They were a pretty good consignment score from last summer, or possibly early fall; that whole period is pretty much a blur of late-pregnancy hormones and post-delivery sleep deprivation slash exhaustion. All things considered, buying them was not the worst decision I could have made at that point. Judging by the soles, they were new, and they set me back a whole $46; I don’t veer into uncharted style territory unless the ride is cheap, cheap, cheap.

Speaking of things that were trendy 3 years ago, here’s my “arm party”:

bracelet stackObnoxious or cute?