It’s no secret that thrifting Anthropologie pieces is one of my weaknesses. And, for $10, how could I refuse this pretty Maeve skirt? I am almost certain that I saw the same skirt at my fave consignment store not that long ago, but it was more expensive, and a way too big size, so I passed. This thrifted version still runs a bit large on me, so I implemented my fave no-sew solution for A-line skirts: hike-it-and-belt-it.


There are an awful lot of brown, rust and olive tones happening here, which are not my usual jam, but this skirt makes it all worthwhile. It’s probably a bit too twee for my job (and my age) but it’s safe to say that, after my image crisis last year, I’ve fully reverted back to my girly style wheelhouse. Oh well. I got a ton of compliments on this skirt at work, so it couldn’t have been too bad.