Blog Talk

I had no idea how my last “blog talk” post would go over, but I certainly didn’t expect the response I did get. You guys bowled me over with your sweet comments and words of encouragement, and gave me a lot to think about – both in terms of what I want from blogging, and from this blog in particular. Above all, your comments gave me a renewed zest for writing. And for that, I thank you all again.

I’m a little reluctant to say definitively what this blog will or won’t be, now or in the future, other than … a work in progress. I’m going to try to incorporate some of your suggestions and, hopefully, we can continue to build a community here – together. I don’t want anyone to ever feel obligated to comment on posts, but at the same time, please know that your comments (and the perspective reflected in them) add immense value, and mean a lot to me. I can’t create a community by myself, as hard as I may try; and without it, there is really nothing that sets this blog apart from a million others out there, and then we might all as well go home. Along the same lines, I want you to know that you can always reach out to me (via comment or private email) if you have constructive criticism to share about what I’m writing or how I’m writing it. I may or may not always agree with you, but I promise that I will listen. And, of course, if you ever have a question that I can help with, I’ll be very happy to do so.

So, what does all that mean – for right now?

BCRL Lives On

You have not seen the end of me, yet. I hope that doesn’t sound like a threat.

Coming Attractions

Figuring out professional attire, remixing wardrobe elements, budget posts, thrifting and eBay how-tos, and make-up reviews were among the most popular topic suggestions you guys sent my way, so keep an eye out for them in the coming months. Other topics I’d like to write about are books (of course), consumer culture, and the fine balancing acts involved in being a working mother (because those are on my mind all the damn time). If you have other ideas or suggestions, please let me know.

New Features

Our discussions have also given me some ideas for retooling the blog a bit. You will notice a new page on the top menu bar, called “Work Capsules”. This is basically an amalgamation of all my monthly capsule posts, in one convenient location. In the future, and subject to your feedback, I may try to do something similar for casual outfits.

I am also working on a side bar featuring links to some of my most popular (substantive) posts, which will hopefully serve as an easy reference for anyone looking for specific topics from my archives.

My IT intern has not yet hit upon a novel solution for making blog interaction easier, but he’s working on it. (Where is that Facebook “like” button when you need it?) In the meantime, the commenting process will remain the same – please rest assured that I always approve every comment (provided you’re not a spambot), although it may take longer at certain times than others. Similarly, I will continue to make every effort to respond to each of your comments, if not immediately then certainly within a day or two.

Again, if you have any other suggestions for changes you’d like to see to the blog design, send them my way.

Same Old, Same Old

This will remain an affiliate link-free space. By the same token, I will most likely never link directly to any items I may be wearing. This is owing to sheer laziness on my part, not maliciousness. If you ever need help locating a piece you see on BCRL, give me a shout and I will do my best to point you in the right direction. (Brand names are always indicated in my photo captions, by the way.)

The photos are still going to be pretty crappy. Sorry. I don’t have the time or money to take professional photos on a regular basis, and I prefer to keep things authentic around here: the outfits you see are the outfits I wear, all day, every day. I will do my best to post the clearest photos an iPhone 6 is capable of taking – deal? Hey, look on the bright side: you will never have to scroll through a dozen nearly identical photos of my best over-the-shoulder, pensive-to-the-side blogger poses. You’re welcome.

Alright, your turn: tell me what’s on your mind.

Warm Spell

Missoni knit dress
Dress, Missoni (via Kijiji); coat, Anthropologie; boots, Frye; bag. MbMJ

Unlike most of the photos I’ve taken outside in the last 4-5 months, I was not freezing my buns off for this one. It was warm! And I wore a jacket that doesn’t even close up! With 3/4 length sleeves! Oh, the joy! All the exclamation marks!

Seriously, though, I was super excited to go coat-less on this occasion, and even more so to give this Anthropologie jacket a spin. It’s been in my closet for years, though for much of that time in a sort of purgatory. It’s a gorgeous-looking jacket, to be sure, but not particularly easy to remix. And itchy (for me). And then it became too small. And so it sat in a bag in the back of my closet for the better part of two years, because I couldn’t quite bear to part with it. (It was one of the first pieces I ever bought at Anthropologie, and we all know that I have weird emotional attachments to the inanimate objects hanging in my closet.)

Having lost some weight recently, I decided it was time to give the jacket one more try – and then let it go if I still wasn’t feeling it. And while I like how this outfit turned out, I’m still not feeling the jacket. In fact, I love this entire outfit … just not on me. I still gravitate towards the whole boho vibe for my casual wear, but this particular jacket + dress combo just doesn’t feel very “me”. And I’m ok with that. It’s time to let go. (Both pieces will be up on the Shop My Closet page soon, in case you’re interested.)

Has spring got you thinking about a closet clean-out? How do you decide when it’s time to let something go?

Missoni knit dress
all the boho things
Missoni knit dress
looking for a new dress?

This Is Spring

Anthropologie Pilcro floral jeans
Vest, Old Navy; sweater, J. Crew Factory; jeans, Anthropologie; boots, Josef Seibel; necklaces, Tiffany & J. Crew

Only in Edmonton. Seriously, this happened in one night, two days after the start of “official” spring:

Anthropologie Pilcro floral jeans

I had been planning to wear this outfit with cute pink flats (and sans vest), but them’s the breaks. As it is, I’m not sure if the cut of these jeans goes with my moto boots, but I was fresh out of options. The reality is that the pants are now one size (or 2?) too big, but I’m just not ready to let them go; so I’m hoping to wear them as boyfriend jeans, which I hope is just a fancy marketing term for “loose”. What say you?

Anthropologie Pilcro floral jeans
yep, that IS snow *looks again* still snow