Dress, shoes & necklace, Old Navy; jacket, Point Zero (via consignment); bag. MbMJ (via eBay)
I get real antsy whenever we get more than two days of rain in a row. It doesn’t help that I have apparently forgotten how to dress for cooler weather. Throw a jacket on and … that’s all I got.
The $60 outfit
For a cheap, rainy day outfit, this looked pretty cute. Minus the bag, everything else came to a whopping $60, give or take a dollar. My fave part? The neon orange accents, of course.
On a rainy day, China Glaze Sun Worshiper
Never really been an orange fan (blame it on being a ginger), but it’s growing on me. My husband approves; the nail polish reminded him of orange creamsicle, his favourite thing ever bar none (save two adorable kids, and a beooootiful wife … I think).
Dress, Katherine Barclay; belt & earrings, J. Crew Factory; shoes, Zara
Warning: this will be a photo-heavy post. I just love this dress so damn much. (Humour me, it’s mah birthday.)
All. The. Colours
Can we start by stating the obvious? Impulse buy. Total impulse buy. You might remember I refrained from buying a cute, yellow shirt dress from Gap last month, on account of the (admittedly problematic) shirt dress I already have in my closet. You know the one – the granny dress. Turns out, resisting one cute shirt dress is my limit. So, this one came home with me.
Impulse buy for the winYep, I’m pleased with myself
You guys know I’m addicted to colour, and this dress has colour … in spades. The tag called this a “floral print”, but to me it looks like sprinkles, especially up close. (Or maybe a colourful scaly lizard? Um, sprinkles it is.) Appropriately, I think, I wore it to my son’s 3rd birthday party.
See, sprinkles!
Like all my other technicolor dresses, this one is a cinch to accessorize. I can pretty much close my eyes, walk into my closet, pull out the first thing I grab, and bam. Outfit. Now that is my kind of dressing. (I wore it on its own for the inaugural outfit because, obviously, it needs to be seen in all its glory. Bam!)
I don’t know why I bother packing for these short road trips. Guaranteed that, on the second day, I’ll wear all my shopping spoils from day 1. I’m just that impatient. So, hey, check out my new shorts, belt and clutch.
Holiday shopping spoils
Altogether, these set me back about $35, which is the chocolate sauce on top of this sundae of an outfit. (I’m trying to say that I really like how this outfit came together. Basic? Yes. Cute? I stand by it.)
Ring, Winners
I even splurged on some joolz; the ring cost more than all the other new pieces combined, but it was still under $50, so yay. More chocolate sauce. This is an awesome sundae.