On Repeat

What I Wore: Week Day Adventures

J. CRew butterfly sweater; Adriano Goldschmied Stevie cords
Pants, Adriano Goldschmied (via Kijiji); sweater, J. Crew (via eBay); shoes, J. Crew (via consignment); bag, MbMJ (via eBay)

I liked last week’s outfit so much, I repeated it. Well, near enough. As with most things, practice makes perfect better. I’m loving this pale blue colour at the moment (and I added a bit more of it to my closet thanks to that Old Navy blouse), and it looks so good with tan. (Camel. Whatever.) And, of course, I can never get enough pops of red.

Speaking of things you’ve seen a million bunch of times, here is that Boden dress again:

Boden leaf print dress
Dress, Boden (via eBay); jacket, Tommy Hilfiger Factory; bag, MbMJ (via eBay); shoes, Old Navy

But, I promise, it is the last time. This year, anyway. I have officially moved it, along with all my winter clothes, into the basement closet, which … means that we’re about to get a dump of snow in May. Count on it. Sorry, E-town peeps!

Casual Corner

What I Wore: Playground Daze

Grey Chucks,
Jeans, American Eagle (via consignment); t-shirt & jacket, Old Navy; shoes, Converse

You know what this blog needs more of? Super dressed down, casual outfits. Said no BCRL reader ever. And yet, here we are. Let me see: can I blame this on my kids somehow? Sure. This is my going-to-the-playground outfit, so they are totally responsible for it. And for putting it on the blog. Yes.

So, for the hypothetical curious reader, this is basically what I wear when I have to leave the house, but getting dirty is a real possibility. Comfy shoes (that can stand getting a little beat up), stretchy pants (always a good idea), t-shirt, and a jacket with big pockets (for my keys and cell phone). The height of normcore – all this time, you guys never even knew how truly ahead of the fashion curve I am.

Obligatory foot selfie. (Felfie? Foolfie? Yes, foolfie it is.)

grey ChucksMy kid plays to the beat of his own (makeshift) drum …


And here is a slightly dressed up version of the same outfit. Swap out the field jacket for a blazer, add a nicer (possibly even ironed) t-shirt and – voila! I am now ready for the ball. And by “ball”, I mean running errands. Of course.

grey Chucks
Jeans, American Eagle; t-shirt, Joe Fresh; blazer, J. Crew (via consignment); shoes, Converse; bag, MbMJ (via consignment)

Boho Tweed

What I Wore: Woeful Saturday

Rachel Roy sari dress
Dress, RACHEL Rachel Roy (via consignment); sweater & blazer, J. Crew Factory; necklace, House of Harlow; boots, Tahari; bag, MbMJ

I wanted to call this “Professorial Boho” because, in my head, all professors wear tweed, all the time. It just comes with the territory, doesn’t it? (Along with elbow patches, tortoiseshell rim glasses, and black turtlenecks. It is known.) But I am willing to concede that this might not, in fact, be the case aaaaalways and rather than confuse you, I changed the title. Which is really neither here nor there. Ahem.

This was not the outfit I had in mind when I started getting dressed, but I really liked how it turned out. I’m a big fan of the cut of this J. Crew Factory blazer, which manages to fit my chest without making me look like a rectangular box. That’s nice, isn’t it? Of course, I ended up being over-dressed for the occasion (a Saturday morning outing with the family, which quickly turned into a tragi-comedy of mishaps and minor meltdowns – so, only slightly more woeful than a regular Saturday chez nous), but as I always say: when the going gets tough, the tough dress up like they have somewhere better to go.

Close-up shot!

House of Harlow starburst necklace
House of Harlow “Starburst” necklace

I swear that sweater looked clean when I picked it off the closet floor, and I don’t recall doing an impromptu army crawl through a dust pit that day. Hmmm …