The Monday Blurgundies

What I Wore: Monday

J. Crew Factory paisley shirt
Skirt, shirt, cardigan & belt, J. Crew Factory; flats, Ferragamo (via Etsy)

Don’t worry; the spell-check on my computer still works. My aptitude for punny titles … still leaves something to be desired. To explain: I had a case of the Monday blues, so I wore burgundy, because it’s something of a pick-me-up colour for me, and it’s more or less guaranteed to work with whatever outfit I manage to throw together. Recipe for success? Well, maybe on a Monday.

I am wearing head-to-toeknee J. Crew (Factory), but the nice thing about monopolizing a store to that extent is that it increases the chances for a hastily-thrown-together outfit to look somewhat cohesive. Most of my Crew pieces are interchangeable, and I mean that in the best possible way. OK, that belt is probably too bright and fuchsia-leaning for the rest of the outfit here, but this outfit needed a jolt of something bright to get it off its one-way track to snoozeville. The result is … passable. Yes? Maybe? Vote in the comments.

A Little Bit Lumberjack

What I Wore: Grocery Shopping

Josef Seibel Sandra 10 boots
Shirt and belt, J. Crew Factory; coat, consignment; jeans, American Eagle (via consignment); boots, Josef Seibel; bag, Marc Jacobs (via consignment)

This outfit has a definite eau de lumberjack about it, doesn’t it? Something about that plaid shirt, tucked in and belted. But, you know, je ne regrette rien.

Actually, not quite. I regret whatever the hell is going on with my hair here. Oof! Let’s blame it on the snow because … because … the snow. The snow in late April. Enough said. Hey, want to see a close-up of my Medusa head? Too bad, you’re getting it.

That hair is about to eat my whole head ...
That hair is about to eat my whole head …

I look entirely too pleased with myself considering my follicular situation. Some people have bitch resting face, I have bitch smiling face. Sigh.

What, you come here to read about outfits? Naaaaah …

How about a reader question? I swear I did not make it up.

Hi there! I was wondering what lipstick you wear in your blog photos?

It really depends on whatever is closest at hand, but it’s usually one of two things: Stila Stay All Day Liquid Lipstick in Beso (the bright red, matte one), or Clinique Chubby Stick in Chunky Cherry (the more sheer, pinkish-red one – see above). I find the latter infinitely easier to apply, which helps me avoid ending up with clown mouth. But I get a ton of compliments when I wear the Stila (and it photographs really nicely too), so sometimes it’s worth the extra effort. I’ve taken to lining my lips first, before using it, because one skill I did master as a child was colouring inside the lines. I use a NYX lip pencil called … hang on, let me check … Hot Red.

Lightning Strikes Again

By now, you guys are probably getting mighty tired of hearing about my magical $8 thrifted Jimmy Choo pumps. Seriously, though, does it get better than Jimmy Choos that are 99% free? The answer, surprisingly, is … yes.

I was back at the scene of my earlier crime, so to speak, a couple of weeks ago. I’d been struck by a sudden desire to read Game of Thrones, and I figured buying a second-hand paperback was the way to go, in case the book proved disappointing. (I should not have feared; even without Kit Harington visuals, GoT is addictively good. The computer is telling me that “addictively” is not a real word, but the computer has never read GoT, so it can just shut it.) After I found the book, I – naturally – had to take a quick look-see at the racks. Lately, Value Village has been disappointing me. I did find a nice Boss silk skirt last month (and another Royal Albert tea cup for my collection), but otherwise nada. And the prices are getting ridiculous. Everything that is remotely decent seems to be at least $15 or more. Pffft!

But then! (dun, dun, dun …)

(Don’t worry, no one is about to randomly get his or her head cut off.)

After my Choo adventure, I always check the shoe section. Always. Yeah, they say lightning never strikes twice, but you never know, right? I was kind of half-assing it (because I haven’t found anything of note in a year and a half now) when I spied a pair of pointy-toed pumps. Pulled them off the shelf. Did a triple take.

Manolo Blahnik.

I stared at my mom, who stared back placidly. She asked me if I was alright. I told her that I had found one of my shopping holy grails. I think she said something along the lines of “That’s nice, dear” but by then I was furiously Googling on my phone, trying to find out how one can spot fake Manolos.

(Let me pause here for a second. Running into counterfeit designer goods is a pitfall of shopping second-hand. Everything, and I do mean everything, can be and has been faked. Always do your homework, especially if the deal is too good to be true.)

Happily, incredibly, these looked legit. And pretty near pristine, save for a few black scuffs. My mom was skeptical that the scuffs would come out, but I was not deterred. Did I mention that these were white pumps? White patent leather pumps?

Manolo Blahnik white patent leather pumps black trim
Oooh, pointy!
Manolo Blahnik white patent pumps black trim
Those are some good lookin’ heels …
Manolo Blahnik white patennt pumps black trim
… and soles

I took them home, and got down to business. I tried toothpaste, Windex, rubbing alcohol, and acetone-free nail polish remover. I scrubbed tentatively, then firmly, then even more firmly. The leather, thankfully, was not the worse for wear. The scuffs … they were a little worse for wear. Or, rather, better. Less noticeable, but not entirely gone.

Manolo Blahnik white patent leather pumps black trim
Better …

I can live with this. I’m still planning to take them to a cobbler to see if anything else can be done, but I’m not holding my breath. I think they look fine, and the remaining scuffs should be pretty unnoticeable. Unless I shove my foot right under someone’s nose, which … is not happening. I think.

Manolo Blahnik white patent leather pumps black trimAll in all, not bad for a $14 pair of shoes. Yep, fourteen whole dollars.

(A few words on cleaning scuffs. Always test your cleaning solution of choice on a small patch of leather that’s not super noticeable; the back of the shoe, near the heel, is a good bet. If the leather is fine, you can then go to town on the rest of the shoe. Personally, I found the best results happened with the acetone-free polish remover, but people also swear by rubbing alcohol and hand sanitizer. Basically, anything with alcohol in it. For sanitizing second-hand leather shoes, here is my routine: pour a bit of Lysol all purpose cleaner on a cotton ball, and wipe the entire inside of the shoe, tip to heel. Do the same on the other shoe, and leave to dry. Repeat. Then do the same with rubbing alcohol, and repeat. In my experience, neither the Lysol nor the alcohol should damage the inside of the shoes if they are leather or even man-made materials. Haven’t tried it on fabric, though, other than labels found on the soles of shoes like the Manolos.).