Beauty Chat: The Eternal Adolescent

So, here’s the thing: I’m starting to look as young as I feel, which is to say like a teenager. And, guys, that is not a good thing.

For the last dozen years or so, I’ve very much enjoyed my largely blemish-free skin. Foolishly, I attributed it to genes and karmic justice after a rough (in more ways than one) adolescence. I say foolishly because it had nothing to do with those things, and everything to do with the birth control pills I was taking. Which I have now stopped taking. Which means … oh hai, zits of my youth!

I cannot believe I’m writing about this!

I am writing about this, because y’all need to hear about this amazing thing I found at Walmart. Yeah, I know! Walmart. And it costs $6. Yeah, I know!

It’s Hard Candy Glamoflauge, and it’s da bomb. You take a teeeeeny tiiiiiiiiiny amount and slap it on whatever zits bits need hiding. (According to the packaging, that can include tattoos, so you know this is serious stuff.) You should probably use a concealer brush to do it, but if you’re a Neanderthal like me, a finger can also do the job. The regular tube comes with a cute little concealer pencil, which is perfect for on-the-go touch-ups. There is also this. As the name suggests, it’s a less heavy duty version of the Glamoflauge. I use it a lot whenever my zits back off from the ledge and I can do with a lighter coverage. I find both versions wear pretty well, though I usually have to do a quick touch-up in the afternoon if I’m heading out; I touch my face a lot, which is probably the issue.

Anyway, here’s a photo of what I look like after “doing mah face” in the morning.


For the curious, I’m wearing a L’Oreal BB cream mixed with my moisturizer, the Glamoflauge, and E.L.F. tone-correcting powder. A word on the latter: it’s awesome, and it only costs about $10 (buy it on Nail Polish Canada, and the domestic shipping is free). I don’t know that it does much tone correcting, but it’s a lovely finishing powder – takes away the shinies, and sets the concealer well. I use the E.L.F. kabuki brush with it, which is also awesome-sauce (and also cheap cheap). Oh, and I’m also wearing Benefit Coralista blush because, hello, pasty.


Florals + Khaki

What I Wore: Social Call

Rachel Roy floral blouse
Top & jeans, RACHEL Rachel Roy; jacket, Old Navy; cardigan, Target; boots, Josef Seibel; bag, MbMJ (via consignment)

That was my face immediately after my mom told me there was snow in the forecast … and I tried to smile. So, basically, pain. Visceral pain.

We went to visit a family friend with the kids, and although I was just then in the midst of A Very Bad, No Good Week, I wore my favourite floral top so I could at least look cheery. And my brand new boots, because those actually do cheer me up a bit whenever I wear them. Looking at the photo, I wish I had (and wore) a yellow scarf instead of the green; the outfit, if not my complexion, would have looked better. And it would have been more cheerful.


P.S. It didn’t snow.

Sporty Spice

What I Wore: Nature Walk

Hunter boots
Jeans, RACHEL Rachel Roy; top, Target; jacket, LOFT (via consignment); boots, Hunter

Admit it. You chuckled when you read that title because, let’s face it, “sporty” is not an adjective that you’d normally associate with me. But, I do like walking … and not just at the mall, smarty-pants. That counts as somewhat sporty, yes? A few weeks back, we took the kids for our first outdoor adventure of the season. One of our favourite spots is the Whitemud Crossing ravine; it’s a short drive from our house, and once you get going, it feels like you’re miles away from the city.

edmonton Whitemud Crossing ravineLuka said hello to the squirrels, and counted all the lakes. (Every body of water bigger than a puddle is a “lake” to him. That includes this creek, and the Pacific Ocean.) Teodora munched on her jacket, and then her daddy’s jacket, and then her fingers, which passes for high entertainment when you are 7 months old. That, and watching her big brother like a hawk, the better to imitate him later. Oh brother! Fun times for everyone.

Taking photos of my outfit earned me an eye roll or three, but these are the things I endure for you guys. I started off fairly composed (see above), but things went off the rails quickly (see below). To a chorus of hecklers telling me to cut it short, the squirrels are getting away … I did. I’ll have to tell you all about my outfit another time.
