What I Wore: One Day in the Not-Too-Distant Past

Technically, this is a rerun outfit, or at least 75% of one. But since I never posted the original*, voila!
The more I wear this blouse, the more it gets on my nerves. It’s nothing but static and slippery polyester. Wearing for a couple of hours here and there is all fine and good, but I don’t think it’s something I can handle for 10+ hours at work. It’s my fault for buying damn polyester in the first place (and $5 polyester at that), but it’s also that stupid pattern’s fault for making me even consider it in the first place. The birds are to blame, I tell you!
Anyway, I think I’m going to ditch the blouse come fall. Getting my money’s worth in the meantime shouldn’t be too difficult. And then – yay! – I can justify buying a new top. I, ahem, have some ideas already … and you are surprised not at all.
Bonus pic because I want to show off my bag:

* Okay, fine, here’s the other outfit. Technically it’s only 50% similar, because that’s a totally different skirt, I swear.