Plum + Khaki

What I Wore: Weekend-ing

blue collar red lipstick, wardrobe remix
Pants, NYDJ (via consignment); shirt, J. Crew Factory; vest, Old Navy; scarf, Aldo Outlet; bag, MbMJ (via consignment); boots, Target

So, I have a problem: I can’t stop buying plaid shirts from J. Crew. At last count, I have either 4 or 5. This is technically a popover, but really … semantics. The thing is, shirts are so easy to throw over my nursing tanks, and they’re machine-washable. Added bonus: colourful plaids are a slam-dunk to mix and match. So, this is not a bad problem, per se, but since I don’t want to become known as the “plaid shirt lady”, I’ll have to stop this hoarding business.

Something else I have to stop? Wearing these booties with pants, apparently. That … looked a lot more flattering in my head.

Burgundy Is the New Black

What I Wore: Getting My Nails Did

blue collar red lipstick, what i wore
Top, Old Navy; skirt, cardigan & belt, J. Crew Factory

Burgundy is a great neutral; who knew? I especially like how it looks with blue, which is my favourite colour. Predictable, I know.

Total aside: has anyone had their “colours done”? Does anyone still do that, besides one’s totally un-hip aunt? Anyway I stumbled on this website that talks about colour analysis, and for the life of me, I cannot decide what I am. Everyone says I look like this lady, who is shown as a textbook “Warm Light” (aka Spring), but I am much more drawn to the colour palette of a “Cool Clear” (aka Winter). Maybe it’s just my not-so-subliminal wish to look like Liv Tyler … Bottom line: I like blue, purple, burgundy, and pink, and not so much a fan of greens. Yep, a redhead who doesn’t like/wear green. You heard it here first.

Back to the outfit. I’m still getting my $3.99-worth out of this Old Navy top. Has this happened to anyone else: the more you second-guess your purchase, the more effort you make to wear it all the time? No? Just me?

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

What I Wore: Out and About

blue collar red lipstick, what i wore
Sweater, J. Crew Factory; shirt, J. Crew (via consignment); jeans, RACHEL Rachel Roy; necklace, J. Crew Factory

Y’all may think I’m exaggerating when I say that I have a “mommy uniform”. I’m not.

blue collar red lipstick, what i wore
Sweater, J. Crew; shirt, J. Crew Factory; jeans, RACHEL Rachel Roy; boots, Hunter; bag, MbMJ (via eBay)

Lately, I’m ALL about the shirt-sweater combo. I have accumulated a variety of colour/print options at a truly alarming rate (thanks, J. Crew clearance rack!), but they do make me feel 100% more put-together than a regular ol’ t-shirt would. [Not that there is something wrong with t-shirts. I wear them. Lots.] And some days, looking put-together is about all the greatness I can achieve.