What I Wore: Puddle Jumping

Taking a toddler for a walk during the height of our spring big melt is … a fun idea in principle, very wet in practice. Thankfully, I have my trusty Hunters (how’s that for blatant product placement? it’s okay, I’m not getting paid for it). No, seriously, thank Neptune or whoever is the god of deceptively-small-looking-but-in-reality-two-feet-deep puddles. I am fairly dry in this picture, though perhaps more frazzled than usual. It was, uh, a windy day? Yeah, let’s go with that.
Speaking of the little puddle-monster himself, I couldn’t even wrangle a picture out of him. “Pretend to like it, buddy,” I whispered. “No way, come hell or high puddle,” responded he, telepathically and by applying a sharp elbow to my gut.
Oh well.