I broke one of my shopping rules for this outfit, but it was totally worth it. The rule is to never buy a piece that I can’t easily mix and match to create at least 3-4 outfits with pieces already in my closet. Off the top of my head, I can think of maybe 2 outfits I can make with this skirt. Maybe. But, really, only this one counts. I love this beanstalk print top, and when I saw the matching skirt at the consignment store – new with tags for $15 – I couldn’t resist completing the set. Insta-dress, for the win!

In unsolicited updates news, I’m still loving my YSL Muse II. It’s probably the most versatile bag in my collection, colour and shape-wise. The functionality is still not ideal, but I’m used to it by now. I’m forever worried about damaging the soft nubuck leather, but apart from that – true love, I tell ya.

P.S. Happy (early) Canada Day, peeps!