Category: Pearls of wisdom

Stripes … Again

What I Wore: Girls’ Brunch Date

Max Studio striped column dress
Dress,, Max Studio (via eBay); jacket, Old Navy; boots, Josef Seibel; necklace, House of Harlow; bag, MbMJ (via eBay)

I have been eyeing the Bailey 44 column dress for a few months now, and by “eyeing” I mean obsessively checking eBay. Unlike many of my eBay stories, this one doesn’t have a happy ending; I never found one within my admittedly small budget. But wait! It was not an entirely tragic ending either, because I found this lookalike and the nice seller took pity on me and let me have it for $40, shipped. (Did I ever mention how much I hate shipping fees? A lot. This dress only cost $20 to start with.) I like the dress a lot, but it’s not without its issues. It’s definitely body-conscious in the most, um, conscious way possible (more on that in a minute), and it’s a smidge shorter than I’d like. Definitely not work appropriate, on both counts. All in all, a bittersweet tale.

Max Studio striped column dress
Why, yes, that is fresh snow on the ground. In April. Mid-April, to be precise.

OK, guys, can I get personal for a minute? Can we talk … unmentionables? Specifically, shape-wear. I have 2 kids. (You’re shocked, I know. Because I never, ever talk about them.) Anyway, sometime around the 4 month mark of pregnancy round #2, my abdominal muscles were all, like, “Eff it, lady, we’re out!” I haven’t seen them since; they are probably auditioning as extras on Jessica Alba’s torso. But I digress. Post-babies, my stomach is … well, there is no nice way to say it. Smooshy. It’s smooshy. Which means that I’ve had to reconsider my previous, belligerent stance on shape-wear, at least on occasions when I’m wearing something like the dress above. And by reconsider, I mean that I went to Target and got me the mother of all granny panties a pair of these:

Self Expressions by Maindenform Body Con High Waist Boyshort
Self Expressions by Maindenform Body Con High Waist Boyshort

These are rated for “firm” rather than maximum support, which means I can still breathe while wearing them. And at least look at a restaurant menu.

I also got a half slip, which I’m hoping will prove to be my secret weapon against skirt- and dress-static next fall and winter. As an aside, I can now answer the question “When did you first feel like a proper grown-up?” It was April 11, 2014. Because nothing, and I mean nothing, will make you feel more like you’re turning into your mom (the benchmark for adulthood, surely) than buying a slip.

Burgundy Is the New Black

What I Wore: Getting My Nails Did

blue collar red lipstick, what i wore
Top, Old Navy; skirt, cardigan & belt, J. Crew Factory

Burgundy is a great neutral; who knew? I especially like how it looks with blue, which is my favourite colour. Predictable, I know.

Total aside: has anyone had their “colours done”? Does anyone still do that, besides one’s totally un-hip aunt? Anyway I stumbled on this website that talks about colour analysis, and for the life of me, I cannot decide what I am. Everyone says I look like this lady, who is shown as a textbook “Warm Light” (aka Spring), but I am much more drawn to the colour palette of a “Cool Clear” (aka Winter). Maybe it’s just my not-so-subliminal wish to look like Liv Tyler … Bottom line: I like blue, purple, burgundy, and pink, and not so much a fan of greens. Yep, a redhead who doesn’t like/wear green. You heard it here first.

Back to the outfit. I’m still getting my $3.99-worth out of this Old Navy top. Has this happened to anyone else: the more you second-guess your purchase, the more effort you make to wear it all the time? No? Just me?

Mommy Glam

What I Wore: The Met Gala (just kidding)

blue collar red lipstick, what i wore
Pants, NYDJ (via eBay); shirt and vest, Old Navy

Ready for another dose of SAHM glamour? I’m keeping it real over here, you guys. Putting you all to sleep is just an unintentional bonus. Thank me later, ‘kay?

Hmm, what else can I say about this? Oh, the top was another cheapie find on the Old Navy clearance rack, but made me re-learn an important lesson. Always try stuff on. Preferably before ripping out tags. Yeah, so this is a “small”, which in usual Old Navy-ese means “big enough to fit post-baby Adina”, except … this time … it actually meant “small”. D’oh! I mean, for $4, I’m not too heartbroken about it, and certainly not deterred from wearing it (sausage-casing arms notwithstanding). But lesson learned. Again.

I still like it though. It’s cute but still relatively age-appropriate. Stripes are never a bad thing, yes?