July was kind of a blur and, to be honest, I’m still a little bit in denial about the fact that it’s already August. It was a busy month (as usual), not least because my little guy turned 4 (where did that time go?) and I proceeded to freak out a little bit more about my 35th birthday, which followed shortly. I tried to rationalize my (irrational?) reaction for what seemed like an eternity but, in the end, I just accepted that this birthday was going to hit me in the feels no matter what, and just went with it. I am now officially closer to my 40s than my 20s, y’all. Watch out for falling skies.
For some reason, I only have 18 outfits to show you for July, but they’re not a bad bunch. See?

Outfit-wise, it was a good month, yeah? I liked most of these a lot, though my favourites were probably #1, #7, #8, #16 and #17. Least favourites were #3 (blah) and #10 (too buttoned up for summer). I got a bunch of new pieces this month that I adore, including the white linen blazer and print pants from J. Crew Factory (outfit #17) and the Tibi dress (outfit #14). Other recent pieces that made their appearance this month are the floral J. Crew skirt and blouse, and the Liberty print blazer. As you can see, the blush Topshop blazer is still going strong as well.
I know we’re getting to that time of year when a lot of bloggers are squealing over all things OMGFall but I, for one, am super pumped for another month of summer (and, hopefully, a really warm September too). First and foremost because #WinterIsComing (and don’t you forget it), but also because I want another few opportunities to wear some of my fave summer pieces. Who’s with me?