Wardrobe Analytics: Summer’s Most Worn

As I mentioned before, I’ve been tracking the contents of my wardrobe for a long time; this year, I also started tracking my actual usage. In the process, I’ve accumulated a fair bit of data … all just begging to be analyzed. I hate math, but I’m an inveterate number-cruncher. Contradictions, I haz them. Anyway, I thought it might be fun to start a “wardrobe analytics” series, and play around with all that data.

First up: this summer’s most worn pieces, and some cost-per-wear lessons.

You will remember that I spent my summer at home, chasing after two kids under 3. I could describe my experience in any number of ways, but I’d be hard-pressed to call it the height of sartorial glamour. Or even the foothills of glamour. Really, I wasn’t anywhere near glamour territory. Casual, with a side of sweatpants. Keep that it mind as you feast your eyes on my most worn summer clothes.

Gap striped peplum top; Marc Jacobs Mag bag
skinny jeans & striped top (worn, respectively, 27 and 15 times)
Old Navy chambray shirt; House of Harlow starburst necklace
chambray shirt (worn 15 times)
diamond print top; GAP coral wedge sandals
black skirt (worn 10 times)
Old Navy chambray dress
chambray dress & black cardigan (worn, respectively, 13 and 11 times)
Target Merona print maxi dress
maxi dress (worn 10 times)
J. Crew brown chino shorts; Gap Palm leaf print clutch
shorts (worn 12 times)
Joe Fresh striped fit and flare dress
dress (worn 17 times)
J. Crew Factory seahorse print City shorts
t-shirt (worn 10 times)

This analysis doesn’t include the stuff I wore around the house, aka so-called lounge wear (although who are we kidding, there was no lounging involved).

Honestly, when I first drew up the list, I was disappointed. All of the pieces are so … boring. No real prints (stripes don’t count), and not much colour. When I think of what I consider “my style”, it’s all Bright and Colourful and Loud and Prints, Hurrah! Except, maybe not. I obviously rely on basic pieces in neutral colours far more than I realize. Considering that I’m (technically) an adult and not a toddler, this probably counts as a positive.

However, this made me realize that I’m really crap at guesstimating what I actually wear. For example, I could have sworn that I “lived” in my floral Anthropologie skirts this summer:

Anthropologie edme essylte tulip perspective skirt
one, two, three
anthropologie phosphorescence skirt
one, two, three, four

Not so much. I wore them a total number of 7 times, combined. You might think: so what? After all, these skirts are still in great condition, and I will get to wear them again next summer. This is where the cost-per-wear thing comes in. The tulip print skirt cost me $8. After one year (barring any additional wear this fall/winter, which is unlikely), the cost-per-wear is still a whopping $2.66. I will have to wear it for 2 more years (assuming a similar rate of wear) before the cost-per-wear will be under $1. My general goal is to have a cost-per-wear for most of my clothing – except special occasion pieces – at around $0.50. With that goal in mind, this skirt won’t “break even” for another 4 years, unless I start wearing it more often.

And consider the other skirt. It cost me $39. Not a terribly high price, right? Except that its current cost-per-wear is $9.75. Even I start it wearing it twice as often as I did this past summer, it will take another almost 4 years for the cost-per-wear to reach $1. The odds that I’ll get tired of it before then? Pretty good.

Maybe I’m just being unrealistic about what a reasonable cost-per-wear should be. But I know that when people talk about something costing “pennies” on a per-wear basis, they’re either (a) delusional, or (b) wearing the same dozen pieces all the time. If, like me, your wardrobe is considerably more extensive, then cost-per-wear is mostly irrelevant when it comes to determining what’s a reasonable price to pay for things other than the most basic of basic (i.e. black pants you wear every week). I’d caveat that statement by adding 3 exceptions: outerwear, bags, and shoes.

If you live in a climate that requires outerwear for a significant portion of the year, then paying more to get the best quality you can afford makes sense, and cost-per-wear will bear that out. Ditto if the weather or your lifestyle necessitates certain footwear investments. (In my case, that’s mostly limited to boots; I cycle between a lot of pairs of “indoor” shoes, so few of them get weekly wear.) Bags are a special category, because they tend to be the one item that gets used every day – whether you have only one bag, or 20, that still translates to a lot of wear. Here’s one example: I’ve already worn the brown MbMJ Mag bag I bought back in June 35 times; its current cost-per-wear is $3.4, and I’m still using it all the time. I’m certain that its cost-per-wear will be closer to $1, or less, before I get tired of it and sell it along.

If you’ve made it through this entire post and are still awake, first of all, congrats. And secondly, tell me: have you ever used the cost-per-wear idea to justify a purchase, and if so, have you ever calculated your actual costs-per-wear?

14 Hours

Deletta Alstroemeria top; Banana Republic Sloan ankle cut pants; J. Crew schoolboy blazer

I really enjoy reading “Day In the Life of” posts, but I’ve never felt the urge to write one of my own. There isn’t enough spin in the world for the level of mundane I experience on a daily basis. However, I recently had a OMGsobusy day that involved two outfit changes and I figured that might be worth blogging. So here we are.

Outfit #1 is what I wore to work in the morning. I had a client event to attend , so this is my effort at looking sooper dooper professional. The heels were a mistake. Walking 5 blocks to and from the event venue, plus 2.5 hours of standing around, proved too much for my trusty Weitzman pumps. They’re comfortable … but not that comfortable. I changed into flats as soon as I got back to the office.

Deletta Alstroemeria top; Banana Republic Sloan ankle cut pants; J. Crew schoolboy blazer
outfit #1

I also untucked my top and changed out of my blazer. I like to eat my lunch in comfort, you know? I also had to make a dash to a personal appointment in the afternoon, and there was no way I was going to commute in heels. So, outfit #2:

Deletta Alstroemeria top; Banana Republic Sloan ankle cut pants; J. Crew schoolboy blazer
sweater, Joe Fresh; shoes, J. Crew Factory

After trekking back to the office – where I made a valiant effort to do some actual work – it was time to get ready for another client event. Since this one was a cocktail reception at a swanky hotel, I had to upgrade to dress. Outfit #3:

BCBG geometric print dress; J. Crew schoolboy blazer
dress, BCBG (via eBay); shoes, Ferragamo (via consignment)

(Sorry about the terrible pic, but there was no way to take an unobtrusive photo, and I really didn’t want to explain the whole thing. Bathroom selfie next time, ‘Kay?)

Three hours later, my feet were just about ready to petition for secession from the rest of my body, and I was ready to call it a night. My final outfit of the (14 hour) day involved pyjamas, and might just have been my favourite. No, you’re not getting a picture of it.