This outfit is made of, like, 75% guilt. First, the blouse. I really shouldn’t have bought it. It drives me batty. I added it to the 30 x 30 line-up in order to try getting my money’s worth (all $6 of it) before chucking it at the end of the summer, but I may not be able to wait that long. Oy vey! Second, the bag. It is a perfectly nice bag. In fact, I liked it so much, this is the second one of its kind I have. Sadly, nowadays, I rarely use it anymore. Guuuuuuilt. To compound the guilt, this one was a present from my parents, so I feel squicky about selling it. Moar guilt. And then we have the necklace I bought on impulse and have worn exactly 2 times in 6 months. Pile on the guilt. Sigh.
Oh, but there is one thing that I don’t regret: buying these Levi’s cropped jeans. I thought Levi’s made jeans for old men but, clearly, I was wrong about this (as about so many other things, #letsnotevenstart). I really like the cut, and I wish I could find it in a regular, black pant version. Oh, how I wish! In the meantime, these jeans will do just fine, thankyouverymuch consignment gods! As I walked over to our customary picture-taking spot, my husband was, like, “Whoa! That is a fine looking pair of jeans, right there!” Or something to that effect, only somewhat more explicit. He may not have been, in fact, referring to the jeans at all. Ahem. Per his request, we took an extra pic. Let’s humour him, shall we?
And now let’s never speak of this again.