30 x 30: Four

J. Crew striped blazer
add XXX

I feel like this is one of those outfits that looks 100% better in real life. Maybe I’m finally giving up embracing my current SAHM status and its casual wardrobe, but I felt very comfortable in this outfit. Not just nothing-pinches-and-I-can-breathe-fine comfortable, but feeling-good-and-loving-life comfortable. Know what I mean? But this photo is kind of … underwhelming. Boo. I’m going to blame it on the lighting being so damn poor. I still haven’t quite figured out when and how to take photos when it’s sunny outside. Wait! That makes it sound like I’m responsible; we can’t have that! Stupid, out-of-my-control lighting!

Also, there was other stuff happening:

J. Crew striped blazer
Laughing at the very much not-imaginary noises coming from the back seat of the car

To wit: two small kids hooting and hollering in the back seat of the car. Luka is currently obsessed with “One More Night” by Maroon 5 (yes, he has deplorable taste in music), so he goes around “ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh”-ing. All. The. Time. His sister growls. Like, legit growls. (It is amusing to see people react to that after they’ve been cooing over the itty, bitty, cute baby for a few minutes. I call her “blood of the dragon”, because I have Targaryens on the brain, and she seems to like that. I know because she growls.) Anyway, the kids – partially responsible for the bad photos. Gosh, having kids is so convenient when it comes to making excuses, isn’t it?

Oh, and you can’t see it in said bad photos, but I was wearing a pretty necklace my husband gave me for my birthday last year. This one:

Tiffany anchor necklace pendant
Lobster hands and Tiffany pendant

30 x 30: Three

Adriano Goldschmied Stevie cords; J. CRew loafers

A big file I worked on before my mat leave was finally (and successfully) wrapped up, so the responsible senior partner invited me to join the rest of the team for celebratory drinks. An evening with adults? With adult talk, and adult beverages? Minus kids? Yes, PLEASE. I will even dress like a grown-up.

I had planned on wearing a dress for that purpose, but the weather conspired to botch my plans. Again. Whatcha got against me, Mother Nature? Humph! So, instead, I went with a boring but classic combo of sweater + button-down shirt. Snooooooooooze. At least I looked relatively presentable and professional … until the wind decided to re-arranged my coiffure, gratis.

Why, Mother Nature, why?

Hey, let’s look at my manicure!

Bracelet, Swarovski
Bracelet, Swarovski

30 x 30: Two

YSL Besace bag; Mel jelly flats
Skirt & cardigan, J. Crew Factory; top, eBay; shoes, Mel; bag, YSL (via consignment)

I know. I’ve shown you this exact outfit before. And umpteen variations of it. Chalk this up to my “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” approach to dressing. So style, much fashion. But check out my cute new jelly flats:

Mel jelly flats
Mel jelly flats

I’m an 80s kid, but I grew up in a Communist regime, so my 80s were not like your 80s. Let’s just say that there are a few pop culture references missing from my mental archives. Because there is nothing I love more than useless information, I have retroactively filled in some of the gaps, but jelly shoes are still a relatively new phenomenon to me. I’ve been avoiding them for the last couple of years because the idea of wearing plastic on my feet struck me as atrocious, and I had no nostalgic memories to offset the squickiness.

And then I saw these Mel flats. They are, like, aggressively adorable, no? The flower reminds me of Chanel’s famous camellia, and the beige is a nice versatile colour, though it does blend in with my irremediably pasty skin making my feet look vaguely creepy-mannequin-come-to-life-esque. Ok, I’m not selling these very well, am I? Bottom line: I love them, I bought them. They’re fairly comfy. Minimally weird feeling. Only $13. I stand by my choices.