What I Wore: Friday Morning

Here goes: I bought the coolest boots ever. The end.
Okay, fine, here’s the rest of the story. I’ve been lusting after these Frye Jenna boots since I saw one of my good friends in Vancouver wear them. I swear, I think I had dreams about these boots, and stalked them endlessly on every shopping website imaginable. It was an obsession, I can’t explain it. And weird, considering that moto-style boots is probably one of the last things you would associate with yours truly. But, the heart wants what it wants … even when the wallet cannot accommodate. And seriously, the wallet cannot. I am generally allergic to the idea of spending $400+ of my very own dollars on boots, but more importantly, I can’t justify doing so at this particular moment, being on mat leave. Especially after recently spending a good chunk of my slush fund on this:
(It was an amazing deal at a resale shop in Van. That’s my defence, and I’m sticking to it.)
Anyway, I was in SoftMoc one day (on the hunt for my magical Fryes, natch) when I spotted these:
I did a double-take because – whoa – that’s quite the lookalike pair. The brand is Josef Seibel, and I think it’s best known for making shoes your grandma would wear. Which makes my new boots just about the most comfortable things I’ve ever put on my feet. Looks wise, they’re not identical to the Fryes … but they were also not $400. More like $100, on sale. Still a stretch for my budget but … a doable stretch.
Phew, that was practically a Bildungsroman.
Here’s a close-up of the rest of the outfit, and my umpteenth poor attempt at a sock bun: