What I Wore: Out and About

I don’t have much to say about this. A while back I decided to try a version of capsule dressing, and now I feel like I have to try to make the most out of the pieces I picked for spring. Which sometimes results in outfits that feel … a little half baked.
Can we talk about my hair for a minute? On the plus side, it’s growing. Like, bona fide, finally-getting-past-the-shoulders growing. Yay! On the down side, I think I’m liking it better straightened these days – which is ironic considering that I paid cold, hard cash to get a perm not that long ago. But! I think the underlying perm does end up giving me a volume boost so, even when straightened, my hair actually looks better than it would if it was not permed. Does that make any sense? Or does it sound like a lame attempt at justification? A little bit of A, a little bit of B.