What I Wore: On a Less-Than-Glamorous Morning

… to Bryce Dallas Howard, but I simply must tell you that this – this! – was the outfit I was wearing when someone asked me if I’d “ever been told you look like a famous actress?” My exact answer was “um.” Or rather “ummmm … ??” It may not be evident from this photo (or as evident as I assure you it was in person), but I was particularly bleary-eyed and frazzled that morning. So that oh-so-articulate “um”, though less than ideally gracious, was actually kind of appropriate. Anyway, this goes to show that feeling (that you look) good is 2/3 mind game.
Moving on. I love this outfit. It’s my version of “minimalist”, and I’m pretty proud of myself for not adding any a) florals, b) extraneous colours, or c) sparkle to it. Wait, scratch that last bit. I couldn’t resist. My favourite piece (apart from the field jacket, natch) is the striped top – a $10 clearance rack find at J. Crew Factory. I like that it’s a plain, striped top with a twist. And, well, you know how I feel about red as an accent colour.