Dress, J. Crew (via eBay); shirt and belt, J. Crew Factory; bag, MbMJ (via consignment)
I like this outfit a lot, and I promised you would see it again, and here we are.
I also like this shirt a lot, despite the fact that it’s paisley and pink, which sounds terrible but isn’t. And I like this pairing of pale pink and burgundy, which reinforces my belief that burgundy is the new black. Here’s an indoor shot to get a better look at the colours.
Also, polka dots. Lots and lots of polka dots.
Oh, and sticky toddler fingers on my dress. Of course.
In my case, it’s always the Maybelline. Or L’Oreal. Or Clinique. Well, you get the point. Nature compensated for my red hair by making me as colourless as possible in every other physical respect. So I need all the help I can get to look, well, alive. Yeah, that’s a good starting point.
Oh Instagram filters, how I love thee!
I don’t have much time or money to experiment with beauty products these days, but I’m still as pasty as ever, so the no-makeup look is not an option. Quick and easy beauty tricks? Yes, please. I read somewhere recently about the whole nude-eyeliner-on-the-lower-rim trick (supposed to make you look more “awake” and beauty queen-ish) and would have forgotten about it already had I not shortly thereafter spotted the Maybelline kohl pencil in “beige” at Superstore. It was under $5, and I thought “why not?”
Non ‘grammed version
Unlike doing a cat-eye, lining the lower rim is pretty easy. The pencil is soft and doesn’t scratch; people have been using kohl this way for many years, so I suppose it’s as safe as any make-up. The effect is subtle, but it definitely does create a more wide-eyed look, which I guess translates into looking awake, fresh, and whatnot. The main downside is that it doesn’t last very long, at least in my experience – a couple of hours, tops. If you don’t want to fiddle with re-applying it all the time, I’d suggest using it only when you plan on taking close-ups (hello, blogger peeps!) or have an important work/personal meeting where you want to look especially tip-top.
In news that will surprise no one, I bought this blouse because I fell in love with its print. Florals. Of course. This particular iteration reminds me of the painting on Russian matrioshkas, which remind me of my late grandmother, which makes this a more sentimental attachment than usual. Yet, I’m torn, because I’m actually not sold on the fit of this blouse on me, specifically in the arms. The sleeves are rather puffy. My arms … don’t need help in that direction. But, oh, the print! Indecision time. I think I’ll give it time to grow on me (it is a summer top, after all), but we may have our first contender for next year’s clothing swap. Already. Let’s chalk it up to the risks of buying clothes online, on impulse.
What else? I almost forgot my necklace, probably because it blends a little too well with the blouse. I think I want something similar but with a more modern/edgy vibe and a longer chain. Suggestions, hive mind?