Last week, I had a bad idea. Not, like, the bad kind of bad. More like … the ill-advised kind of bad. I decided to make a video.
You know how they say that some people have a face made for radio? Well, I have a voice made for print media. Also, I get really twitchy on camera. You guys, it’s not pretty. Not even a little bit. But I thought doing a video of the draw for the DVF dress would be something novel and possibly fun. Now that the video’s done … let’s just say that I’m reconsidering the merits of novelty, as well as my definition of fun. But if I had to go through the mortification of making the damn thing, y’all are going to have to experience the dubious pleasure of watching it … if you want to find out who’s joining the sisterhood of the magical wrap dress, that is.
[Please hold all applause laughter until the end.]
OK, I promise not to subject you guys to something like that ever again. Virtual pinkie swear.
Wait, don’t fall asleep! Admittedly, this was not exactly a “fashion moment” but I promise it was actually cute in person (just a pain to photograph) and comfy as heck. I bought this LOFT jacket thingie at my local consignment store because I still can’t find a decent, inexpensive trench I like, and I need something other than (or, rather, in addition to) my field jacket to get me through spring. I like the short sleeves, even though they’re not the most practical things ever; layered over a long sleeved shirt, they allow for an extra bit of colour, or pattern, to peek out and add some “visual interest”. God, that was a convoluted sentence, but hopefully you get the gist. My brain has apparently shut off for the day. Good night! (Wait, it’s morning?! Boy, it’s going to be a long day.)
P.S. I think I’m in love with navy. Like, why did it take me almost 34 years to realize that it’s probably a better dark neutral for my pasty self than black? Yeah, rhetorical question.
Apparently, I need to learn to tie a scarf properly too …
Happy Friday! Today, I want to talk about things I need would like to add to my closet. How is this different from every other Weekend Shortlist? It … well … um … let’s just get started, shall we?
Yellow Sandals
Miz Mooz
Little known fact: while I have a lot of shoes (42 pairs at last count), I don’t actually own many sandals – just 2 pairs, both bought within the last 6 months. Now, I’m still working on paring down my wardrobe, so I’m not looking to go sandal-crazy or anything, but one more pair would be nice. A yellow pair, to be precise. Don’t ask me why the sudden obsession with yellow footwear. (Though reading Caitlin Moran’s How To Be a Woman might have something to do with it – she writes that everyone should have a pair of yellow shoes.) I will tell you this: finding yellow shoes, and specifically sandals, is very, very difficult. I mean, nothing is impossible if you have an eBay account, but it ain’t easy either. I like the look of the Miz Mooz pair above, which I’ve found in my size but a little out of my budget. I also like the look of the J. Crew pair below.
J. Crew Lena sandals
Basically, I don’t really know what I want, but as long as it’s yellow and doesn’t come with crazy high heels, I’m sold. If you guys have suggestions, shoot them my way.
Floral Skirt
Anthropologie Phosphorescence skirt
As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I’m bidding adieu to my thrifted floral skirt. Because I cannot allow the floral levels in my closet to dip even slightly, I am (of course) looking for a replacement. My first pick: the Phosphorescence skirt above. Some Google digging informed me that it went down to $20 on clearance way back in the day, which makes me a little bit reluctant to pay the eBay prices people are asking these days. Contributing to my reticence, I haven’t had the best luck with Anthro skirts bought off eBay. (Sizing issues, sigh.) So, tell me: do you think it’s worth, say, $60 or so?
I also have my eye on this skirt (also from Anthro) thanks to the stylish Lisa at Respect The Shoes. Who knew I liked orange so much?
Anthropologie Hamatreya skirt
And then, there is also this:
Oasis floral wrap skirt
Thanks to my enabler (aka the lovely lady behind Spend Save Splurge) who brought it to my attention because she knows my Kryptonite. Flowers and birds? Done.
Pendant Necklace
Lulu Frost pendant
So, I love my House of Harlow pendant, but I want more. Pendants, that is. I really, really want a Lulu Frost one, but it’s definitely not in the cards budget. Heck, Lulu Frost for J. Crew is not in the budget. I know I should be looking at Etsy, but I just can’t face 659 pages of necklaces to sort through, and I seem incapable of describing more specifically what I want. Art Deco-ish? Not overly bling-y? But, like, a little bit bling-y? Sigh.