Is that still a thing? But this is basically the opposite of a fashion statement. This is me on a weekend when everything – and I mean everydamnthing – went sideways, and by the time I finally escaped the madhouse that was Casa J for a quick Costco run (from the fire into the pan, so to speak), I just could not be bothered. With life. Much less my outfit.
Evidently, I decided this was worth sharing with you, because … because … I guess a little reality in style blogging never hurt. Right? Ahem. Righty-o.
I have no idea why I’m practically fluorescent in these photos, but let’s blame the new iPhone camera; still working out its kinks. Please rest assured that my hair remains a colour that is, at least on occasion, seen in nature and not … whatever that is. With that totally random segue, let’s talk about how bomb awesome my camel coat is. Again. I know, but, you guys, it’s so good! It looks professional with my office wear, and pretty cool with my casual gear. If I wasn’t worried about subjecting it to the kids (and their sticky hands and dirty boots), I’d be wearing All. The. Time. As it is, it’s getting a lot of mileage; for the wardrobe analytics fans out there (Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? – n.b. What? I’m old!), the cost-per-wear is already down to $4.82, less than 6 months in. But, more importantly, it makes my dressing choices – even on the worst days – easy peasy. Now, that is priceless, my friends.
I have no idea why I’m making that face; let’s chalk it up to a hellish week, the highlight of which was getting a replacement iPhone (6!) for the one I managed to drop and shatter to smithereens. The highlight, peeps. Moving on. The outfit is acceptably New Look-ish. The paisley print is pretty bold, but it’s one of my faves, and I think it’s suitably professional paired with a whole lot of black and grey. Speaking of grey, I’m still undecided about how I feel about grey. I have trouble nailing flattering shades of it. I think I prefer my darker (warmer?) grey Elie Tahari blazer.
Can we talk pants for a second? So, I started this new “clean eating” thing at the end of December, and it’s going pretty well. I feel less sluggish (when I’m not down with the ever-recurring Toddler Plague), and have fewer energy crashes, and I think (?) my skin looks better, blah, blah, blah. I have also lost a bit of weight. Most of it is probably water weight, and it’s not particularly noticeable, but I am technically down to my pre-pregnancy (#2) weight. [I say “technically”, because things are not quite the same as before. Ahem. They don’t call them “child-bearing hips” for nothing.] This is all fine, and you might be wondering what my problem is. Well, my favourite pair of work pants is starting to get loose. Saggy and wrinkly in all the wrong (are there every any right?) places. This is a bona fide wardrobe emergency for me. Before you roll your eyes and tell me to stick the hyperbole somewhere uncomfortable, listen.
These are the pants I wear on a weekly basis – literally. I paid something like $20 for them at the consignment store, which is the kind of money I like to spend on pants. I hate pants, remember. Except that I wear them quite often. And I’m very particular about my pants requirements. Basically, I won’t bother with any pants other than the BR Sloan ankle cut, after one too many disappointments with other brands (coughJCrewcough). Sigh. Rather than spend the next year haunting my local consignment stores in the hope that the right pair in the right size (and in-seam) will turn up again, I may have to suck it up and pay $60-70 for a new pair at retail – IF they ever go on sale. [A sales associate told me that the black version rarely does. It figures.] I am absolutely, definitely, never paying the $110 full price. I might be in some desperate straights … but not that desperate. Nope, nopety, nope. You hear that, Banana Republic?
As you guys may remember, I had some reservations about this blouse when I bought it. The print combo, paired with the style, struck me as borderline … ugly. I may have been more diplomatic in my description at the time, but that was the gist. I’m happy to say that I was wrong. Quite wrong. And I have no problem admitting that, notwithstanding what my husband might have to say on that topic. (He’s wrong. Hah!) Bottom line: this shirt has grown on me a lot.
Not 100% sure how I feel about it in this outfit though. Let’s take another look, or two.
Was mixing 3 prints a step too far? They’re all in the same colour family, roughly (blue, black, and white), so I don’t think they look clownish per se. But maybe just a little bit off? Seriously; here’s a close-up, and you tell me: one too many prints?
OK, enough about that. Can you guys handle yet another one of those navel-gazing entries about my never-ending quest to get my (style) s**t in order? Well, I hope so, because here goes. I’m sure I’ve mentioned it a hundred times once or twice before, but I have this weird attraction/repulsion/inner conflict about minimalism. (And, to be clear, I’m talking about minimalism as an aesthetic, not minimalism as a lifestyle.) As much as I love bright colours and prints, my definition of true chic has always skewed in the opposite direction. Think Gwyneth Paltrow’s or Kate Lanphear’s street style. Or a mere mortal’s version of Tilda Swinton’s wardrobe.
I’ve struggled with this a lot because, duh, I love bright colours and bold prints. The idea of wearing a pared-down colour palette and unembellished outfits always seemed … restrictive. And boring. And yet. One of the things that has really surprised me during this whole new “adulting my work wardrobe” adventure is that the outfits I’ve felt most comfortable in – and most like the best version of my(current)self – are the, you guessed it, minimalist ones. Note to self: what the hell is going on?
And, then, it finally dawned on me: the way I feel about colour when it comes to clothes, is the way I feel about colour when it comes to make-up. Let me explain. Set me loose in a drugstore (or, God forbid, Sephora), and I am likely to end up with a bazillion colourful things in my basket – eye shadows, eyeliners, lipsticks, you name it. I see colour, I want to get my hands on it. I want to play with it. But, in reality, I wear the same 2-3 eye shadow and lip colours day in, day out. I learned the hard way to avoid giving in to my colourful make-up buying urges, because it all just goes to waste. I don’t wear all those pretty, bright colours on my face, and if I ever try (because of an ill-advised purchase), I feel odd.
Anyway, it’s kind of the same story with clothes. I cannot get enough colour. I love looking at colours. I feel the same way about pretty prints. I would probably wallpaper my house in Anthropologie-esque prints if my husband allowed it. Because I just like looking at them. Does that sound crazy? Regardless, I’m starting to realize that just because I adore a print, doesn’t mean that I have to wear it. It may not, in fact, be something I really enjoy wearing, as opposed to just, you know, looking at it. I know that’s probably a really strange and random revelation to have but, well, strange and random is kind of the name of the game around here.
So, what does that mean? I think that, going forward, I’m going to try to set aside my love of prints and colours (for their own sake) when I go shopping, and try to base my buying decisions on other criteria. I’m working on figuring out a wardrobe colour palette (loosely inspired by this Into Mind post), which will hopefully make it easier for me to make more, shall we say, dispassionate choices about the things I buy, and don’t buy. What I’m not going to do, at least not until I’m really sure about where I’m going with all of this evolving style stuff, is get rid of all of my colourful clothes and prints. A lot of them I really enjoy wearing, so purging them seems unnecessary; the ones I’m on the fence about, I’m going to evaluate over the rest of the year. (I have a feeling that wardrobe analytics is going to play a big role in this.) No haste, no waste. Or maybe that’s just the hoarder in me speaking.
As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts, so hit me up in the comments.