I mean, I don’t hate it. A blue-based print is never a bad thing in my books closet. I enjoyed the velvety feel of the silk, but was surprised by how staticky it got over the course of the day. Maybe the winter is to blame; the lack of humidity has been playing havoc with my skin and hair, so it only figures that it would do the same with my clothes. Anyway. The Equipment shirt: ‘s alright. Not as OMGamazing as the blogosphere would have you believe, but worth the $40 I paid.
Let’s talk about something more important: I wore sparkly shoes to work. Check it:

In my defense, it was a Friday. I feel like I need a defense because I’m not entirely convinced that these are age-appropriate, or career-appropriate. How seriously would you take someone wearing Tinkerbell shoes? #hypotheticalquestion
Back to the Equipment shirt for a second. It does this weird thing in the sleeve/shoulder/armpit area. I’m not sure what the problem is, but me no likey. I’m generally not a fan of things that remind me of how un-toned my arms are these days. Boo.