The not-so-dark secret of my office style is – drum roll, please- outfit planning. Yep, I plan my outfits in advance. Weeks in advance, at times. It simplifies my morning routine, and generally helps me to avoid “I have nothing to wear”, or worse, “I hate my hastily-assembled outfit” syndrome. Sometimes, however, things go awry.
Nine times out of ten, it’s the weather. Occasionally, it’s a last minute work function or client meeting. Whatever the reason, I sometimes have to re-arrange my planned outfits. When I’m working with a capsule, that can be tricky. I’m usually able to avoid wearing a clothing item twice in the same week … but sometimes not.

That was the case with this aqua cardigan. I was supposed to wear it with different outfits weeks apart, and then stuff happened, outfits got shuffled, and …

… I ended up wearing twice. Tuesday and Friday.

No biggie because, frankly, no one noticed. It just bugged me, and my irrational need to wear different things, even when I’m in remix mode (aka doing a monthly capsule). Oh well.
The Friday happened to be Halloween. Clearly, I didn’t costume it up. But I did commit to my aqua theme.

Scary, eh?