What Goes Around, Comes Around

J. Crew orange schoolboy blazer; Target plaid blanket scarf
Blazer, J. Crew (via consignment); top, Gap Factory; jeans, American Eagle; scarf, Target (gift); shoes, J. Crew (via consignment); bag, MbMJ (via eBay)

I’m a big fan of paying things forward. I am incredibly grateful for the good fortune (and occasional blind luck) I have had in my life, and I believe that it’s good for the soul to try to return some of that positive energy into the world. Karma, and all that. [Apologies to Buddhists for completely mangling their belief system.]

One of my goals in undertaking pay-it-forward activities is to do so without any expectations; they are meant to be acts of gratitude for past good fortune, not a way to barter for future windfalls. But, sometimes, it feels like the universe pays me right back.

J. Crew orange schoolboy blazer; Target plaid blanket scarf
mmm, cozy

Or, in this case, not the universe … but one of my favourite fashion bloggers, and all-around awesome person, Fran. Yes, that Fran. (I’m an unapologetic fangirl, so she’s kind of a celebrity in my books.) For the last month or so, Fran has been raving about this plaid scarf from Target; needless to say, she sold me on it almost immediately. Sadly, my local Target was sold out of, or never stocked with, these scarves – a fact I took to Twitter to bemoan.

And lo – a package arrived on my door step a few weeks later.

I’m calling it the karma scarf.

J. Crew orange schoolboy blazer; Target plaid blanket scarf
mmm, orange

The One Where I Buy a MaxMara Coat

Yeah … so, this happened.

MaxMara Ragni camel coat
MaxMara Ragni Coat

I kept thinking about this coat after seeing it at Holt. The price tag was … inhibitory. (More on that in a moment.) And, then, the perfect storm came along: a super stressful week at work and home. I was overwhelmed, sleep-deprived, and coming down with the Toddler Plague. You could say that shopping under such influences is a bad idea … and I would generally agree. Except that, in this case, I ended up with this sweet coat. So, not entirely bad.

MaxMara Ragni camel coat
the one that didn’t get away

Yes, it was expensive. But I wasn’t completely irresponsible. I had a gift card, and a not-insubstantial coupon ($100 off for $300 spent). All told, my out-of-pocket damage was just over $250 – not bad for a $800+ coat, and not bad for a mid-weight coat (perfect for fall and spring in Edmonton) that I will hopefully wear for years.

MaxMara Ragni camel coat
action shot!

I love the sleek, cocoon style. It a good mix of classic and modern. It easily accommodates several layers – an important consideration because I wear this coat daily on my work commute, and I hate the feeling of bunchy layers (especially blazer sleeves bunching into my armpits) – without looking bulky. I never lusted after MaxMara before (as y’all know, I’m not really a coat person), but I have to admit: they do make a nice looking coat.

MaxMara Ragni camel coat

The New Statement Necklace

wearing scarf to work; spearmint Marc Jacobs Blake bag; wearing scarf as necklace
Sweater & skirt, J. Crew Factory; scarf, can’t remember; brooch, vintage; shoes, Jimmy Choo (thrifted); bag, Marc Jacobs (via eBay)

… is not a necklace at all. The outfit called for something, but I wasn’t feeling the statement necklace vibe that morning. So I dug out a contrasting scarf, mostly as an excuse to wear one of my brooches. The brooches don’t get a lot of love these days, and I feel bad about that. Worn on their own, I feel like they’re wont to push my outfits too closely towards fuddy duddy territory; but add a scarf, and I’m safely out of the danger zone. I think.

This isn’t an infinity scarf, but I wanted a similar clean look, so I tied my scarf the usual way (sorry, I can’t for the life of me explain it intelligibly, but I’m copying an old tutorial from Jean) and pinned the ends under with a couple of extra safety pins. I looked like this in the morning …

wearing scarf to work; spearmint Marc Jacobs Blake bag; wearing scarf as necklace
overhead lighting, yikes

… and then, by noon, everything started to come apart. I somehow lost one safety pin (?!), and then got tired of fiddling with the ends. So, I just left it as it was. I actually don’t mind the look.

wearing scarf to work; spearmint Marc Jacobs Blake bag; wearing scarf as necklace
5 pm

I love all of the colours of this skirt, especially because they matched my morning donut.

wearing scarf to work; spearmint Marc Jacobs Blake bag; wearing scarf as necklace

A day that starts with a donut is a good day.