I’m a big fan of paying things forward. I am incredibly grateful for the good fortune (and occasional blind luck) I have had in my life, and I believe that it’s good for the soul to try to return some of that positive energy into the world. Karma, and all that. [Apologies to Buddhists for completely mangling their belief system.]
One of my goals in undertaking pay-it-forward activities is to do so without any expectations; they are meant to be acts of gratitude for past good fortune, not a way to barter for future windfalls. But, sometimes, it feels like the universe pays me right back.

Or, in this case, not the universe … but one of my favourite fashion bloggers, and all-around awesome person, Fran. Yes, that Fran. (I’m an unapologetic fangirl, so she’s kind of a celebrity in my books.) For the last month or so, Fran has been raving about this plaid scarf from Target; needless to say, she sold me on it almost immediately. Sadly, my local Target was sold out of, or never stocked with, these scarves – a fact I took to Twitter to bemoan.
And lo – a package arrived on my door step a few weeks later.
I’m calling it the karma scarf.