Fall is not usually much of a season around these parts. There’s summer, then two weeks of rain, then a month or so of 5 degree weather, then snow. (For 5 months. In case you were wondering.) I guess you can call that fall. It’s nothing to write home a blog post about.
This year, we’ve had a lovely fall. The leaves have been changing colour for a few weeks now (as opposed to 3 hours on an afternoon when no one is looking, the way it usually happens), the temperatures have been mild, and we’ve had some truly glorious, warm & sunny days. Basically, the kind of fall that’s perfect for fashun blogging. Layers? Knits? Scarves? Boots? (But, like, cute boots, not the ugly, practical kind.) Check, check, check, and check.

We took advantage of one of those beautiful fall days to check out the Edmonton Corn Maze. The maze itself was cool, if a little worse for wear (understandably so, as we visited towards the end of its season), but we didn’t get much time to enjoy it; I had to navigate us out of it in record time (26 minutes!) because Luka had earlier spotted the kids’ trampoline area and immediately lost all interest in everything else. In addition to the aforementioned kid magnet, there were a few other attractions on the grounds, including a mini-train, spud gun range, hay bale slide, and petting zoo. Worth a (quick) trip out of town if you’re looking for something to do with the kidlets on a warm fall day.

I don’t consider myself a fall fanatic (hey, I just had my first Pumpkin Spice Latte not that long ago), but I’m growing fonder of it with every sunny day we’re getting this October. How about you? What are you doing to take advantage of our glorious weather?