Blue & Brown

Skirt, Anthropologie (via eBay); sweater, J. Crew Factory; brooch, vintage; shoes, J. Crew (thrifted); bag, Mulberry
Skirt, Anthropologie (via eBay); sweater, J. Crew Factory; brooch, vintage; shoes, J. Crew (thrifted); bag, Mulberry

I wear blue and black together All The Time, but I frequently forget about the other classic combo: blue and brown. A big part of the reason is the fact that I don’t have a lot of brown in my closet. Strictly speaking, brown is not part of my wardrobe palette … but I had to make an exception for this skirt. I mean, you can’t blame me, right? It’s so lovely. I love the little details — including the ones you can’t see, like the teal lining hemmed with lace. Old skool Anthropologie is the best Anthropologie.

a statement skirt
a statement skirt
leopard print is a neutral, right?
leopard print is a neutral, right?

I was initially going to wear this with my blue Vince sweater, but it proved to be too loose and long in the back, so I subbed in an old J. Crew Factory one instead. Rather than a necklace, I decided to try something a little less expected and pinned a brooch. (I thought about pinning one to the skirt ruffle, but figured it might be a twee step too far.) Same deal when it came to the shoes: I went with the less obvious choice, leopard print. They say leopard is a neutral, after all. But, in this case, I think it works.

hip flounce
hip flounce
blue +brown
blue +brown

Comfort Food Outfit

Blazer, Theory; top, Nanette Lepore; pants, DVF; necklace & shoes, J. Crew; bag, Gucci
Blazer, Theory; top, Nanette Lepore; pants, DVF; necklace & shoes, J. Crew; bag, Gucci

I hate Apple. It is the paradox of my life that I can’t seem to make do without its products. For example, this blog is brought to you by my iPhone (which is what I use to take my photos) and my iMac (which is what I use to upload said photos and prepare my posts). Or at least, that USED to be the case. I made the mistake of caving in to the temptation of the shiny new Message features (hello, gifs!), and uploaded the iOS 10 on my iPhone. The result? My iPhone is no longer compatible with my 8-year old iMac. Ugh.

The past week has been a frustrating exercise in trying to cobble together a blogging solution while I figure out what to do about my desktop situation. I’ve been editing photos (poorly, as these pics prove) on a basic Photoshop app on my iPad and uploading to WordPress that way, but the results are screwy and since my website coding skills are non-existent, I had to do some damage control through my old WP plug-in on my (PC) laptop. Everything. Is. A. Mess. This post took about 5 times longer than usual to get ready, and I came *this* close to destroying every Apple product I own in the process. If I can’t figure out a solution quickly, I’m afraid this blog will have to go on hiatus. Sad face.

technical difficulties
technical difficulties
but the outfit doesn't suck
but the outfit doesn’t suck

Ahhhhhhhhhh. Sorry. Ok. I had to get that off my chest. I’m back, let’s talk outfit. I was not having a great week last week (generally), so naturally I reached for the outfit version of comfort food. My favourite top, old favourite shoes. I was originally going to wear a different blazer, but it didn’t seem to work, so I pulled out … what else, but a favourite old blazer. It’s the little things that make a difference, don’t they? Thankfully, this outfit formula is not something Apple can get its hands on. Yeah, I’m still mad.

close up
close up
comfort in the familiar?
comfort in the familiar?
winging it
winging it

What I Wore: September 2016 Work Capsule

September felt so long, you guys. Between work, my son starting kindergarten, the changing seasons, and all the other usual craziness that seems to define my life, I just wanted this month to end and it kept going and going. Not that anything is different, now that October is here, but I always feel an odd sense of relief when a tough month is over. I have no big plans for October, except to white-knuckle the ride (oh, it’s bound to be a wild one) as best as I can. And plan some cute outfits, naturally.

Speaking of, what did I wear last month?

one, two, three
one, two, three
four, five, six
four, five, six
seven, eight, nine
seven, eight, nine
ten, eleven, twelve
ten, eleven, twelve
thirteen, fourteen, fifteen
thirteen, fourteen, fifteen
seventeen, eighteen, nineteen
seventeen, eighteen, nineteen

Some really good outfits, some not-so-memorable ones … par for the course. It’s been nice to pull out some old fall pieces from the closet, but at the same time, it’s also hard to resist the lure of the new. Thrifting has spoiled me for choice in terms of the latter, but I am giving wardrobe remixing a solid try. I keep getting tempted by the various capsule projects I see on other blogs, but that sort of thing never seems to end well for me. Still, maybe there is a new approach out there that might work better for my hooked-on-variety self? I guess I want a wardrobe challenge this fall, except I don’t know what that might be. Any ideas?

Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving, Canadian peeps!