I can’t quit the florals, even on weekends. I don’t have much else to say about this outfit – it was nice and comfy for a morning of errands, without being utterly boring. Maybe? All the pieces are old, but dependable. None more so, I think, than these Frye-lookalike moto boots – hands down the most comfortable, sturdy pair of boots I’ve ever owned. They’re made by Josef Seibel, and I was able to find them on sale for about $100, which I would spend again in a heartbeat (even though I’m super cheap when it comes to practical things like boots and coats). I’ve had them for about a year and a half, and the CPW is already well under $2. The quality is fantastic, so I can see them easily lasting at least another 3-4 years, maybe longer.
Tell me: what are some of your (unpredicted) best buys?