THE Maxi Dress

Target Merona print maxi dress
Dress, Target; belt, Gap; cardigan, J. Crew Factory; shoes, Old Navy; bag, vintage Coach (via eBay)
Target Merona print maxi dress
From the side

Not just any maxi dress. THE maxi dress. This is it, you guys. To borrow Adrien‘s phrase, this is a magical dress. Flattering, comfortable, machine-washable. It’s so magical, I’m showing it to you again, even though it’s been barely a minute since the last time.

Did I mention it has pockets? Also, it goes with everything. Pick a colour, any colour, in my closet … and it will probably go with my magical Target maxi dress. You think I am kidding? I don’t joke about Very Important Things, like magical dresses. See?

Target Merona print maxi dress
mustard yellow
Target Merona print maxi dress

Exhibit #3:

Target Merona print maxi dress
Target Merona print maxi dress
why does it look like I did an ombre job on my hair? ahh, the mysteries of life …

I could go on (I have 12 14 15 a lot of cardigans in my closet), but I won’t belabour my point. Let’s just agree that I’m right.

Target Merona print maxi dress
seeing triple

Ok, just one more:

Target Merona print maxi dress

What was your magical dress this summer?

Grandma’s Couch … Rides Again

Anthropologie Pilcro floral pnats
Pants, Anthropologie; tank, Kirkland; cardigan, J. Crew Factory; shoes, Old Navy; bag, MbMJ

These pants are made from a thicker material (which is why haven’t worn them since the spring), but I’ve been missing my florals lately, so out they came. The outfit is really basic, in the best way. When you throw together a standout piece you love, plus a wardrobe staple or two … magic.

Ok, maybe not magic. Just your garden variety Good Outfit Day.

Still, there was drama. Minor drama. Really, really minor. Minuscule. I couldn’t decide which cardigan to wear. See, there was also this one:

Anthropologie Pilcro floral pnats
Better blue??

I went back and forth for a good 5 minutes – which is generally time I really can’t afford to waste on stupid s**t – and I just couldn’t decide which version I liked better. Here, have a look.

Anthropologie Pilcro floral pnats
Side by Side

Ultimately, I deferred to my mom. That’s totally normal for a 34-year old, right? Right.

Anthropologie Pilcro floral pants
Pink for the win?

Fashion Budget: Style Management Triangle

style management triangle; shoe spiral; spiral of shoes; rainbow of shoes; shoe rainbow

I have a lot of opinions. Pertinent to this blog, and this post in particular, I have a lot of opinions about clothes, the buying thereof, and budgets. I’ve been trying to condense my thoughts into a manageable post size, and finally decided that they’re best encapsulated by a bastardized, fashion version of the Project Management Triangle. To wit:

When it comes to a shopping budget, you have 3 constraints to consider: quantity, quality, and newness. To stick to a modest budget, you get to pick two of the three. Any two. But not all three. You can buy lots of new things, but they will have to be of the “fast fashion” variety. Or you can buy only a few, new things of good quality. Or you can buy lots of quality things that aren’t brand new. Your choice entirely, of course.

Let’s break it down some more. If your budget is, say, $150, you can:

A) Buy 10 new items for $15 apiece;
B) Buy 1 new item for $150; or
C) Buy 5 secondhand items for $30 apiece (each of which might have originally retailed for upwards of $100).

(This is obviously dumbed down to third grader level, but you get my point. I’ve hopefully made it without screwing up the math. #thirdgraderscanprobablykickmybuttatmath)

If you’re even a casual reader of this blog, you will know I’m a big fan of the third approach. That doesn’t mean it’s the best one. It’s the best one for me, c’est tout. It comes down to priorities … and shopping personalities. I like nice things. (Obviously, this is an incredibly subjective statement, so feel free to substitute “expensive” for “nice”. It’s not 100% equivalent, because I like plenty of cheap fashion, but it will suffice.) And I like a LOT of nice things. I like variety. I have the attention span of a gnat. Need I go on? On the other hand, I really don’t care if my clothes come straight from the hands of retail fairies – or from the consignment or thrift store down the road – as long as they’re in excellent condition. Buying the majority of my clothes secondhand means that I maximize the two values that matter most to me: quality and quantity.

Those are not necessarily the values that matter most to you. You might value minimalism, or environmental conservation, or being a trendsetter, or impulse shopping, or bargain hunting … or whatever floats your boat. Just remember the Triangle, and pick the two criteria that best align with those values.

And keep in mind that you have some flexibility.


Well, yes. No one says that you must always only buy piles of cheap stuff. Or only super duper expensive pieces. I sometimes buy $2 t-shirts at Old Navy or $10 shorts on super clearance at J. Crew, and I sometimes spend upwards of $200 on other things.* But it’s always a trade-off, because remember – you can’t satisfy all 3 constraints in the Style Management Triangle at the same time unless money is no object. In which case, let me know where I can send you my fall shopping wish list.


* Bags. Always the bags.