What I Wore: Errand-ing

Do you feel like you’ve seen this already? I feel like I’ve worn this already. But I checked and … not quite. I subbed in a blazer this time, and it looks a bit more pulled-together, no?
Recently I was reading this article on how to put together a French style capsule wardrobe, and thinking to myself (and commenting) that as much as I admire French chic, I love colour and prints too much to embrace that kind of minimalism. (Plus, I’m starting to think that I actually look Corpse Bride chic terrible in head-to-toe black.) But lo and behold – I managed to put together a monochromatic outfit, using a French-approved print (bonjour, stripes!). And, listen, I do love its simplicity. I really do. But if I wore something like this every. single. day. I would spend my days in a narcoleptic daze.